Ph.D. in Biological Science, School of Biology and Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA, 2009
Current position
Special Assistant Professor in Dept. of Soil and Crop Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Manmathan, H., Jahn, C., Kottke, R., Babu. A., and Haley, S. D. (In writing). A cost effective mutant detection tool in wheat, a case study.
Manmathan, H., Tavantzis, S., De los Reyes BG., Singh, P. and Jia, Y. (Submitted-Crop Genomics 2013) Global gene expression in quinate induced hypo-virulence in the plant pathogenic basidiomycete Rhizoctonia solani (AG3).
Manmathan, H., Shaner, D., Snelling, J., Tisserat, N. and Lapitan, N. (2013). Virus-induced gene silencing of Arabidopsis thaliana gene homologues in wheat identifies genes conferring improved drought tolerance. J Exp Bot 64(5): 1381-1392.
Rioux, R., Manmathan, H., Singh, P., de los Reyes, B., Jia, Y. and Tavantzis, S. (2011). Comparative analysis of putative pathogenesis-related gene expression in two Rhizoctonia solani pathosystems. Curr Genet 57(6): 391-408.