Ph.D. in Molecular Plant Biology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany, 2012
Current position
Postdoctoral Scientist at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle (Saale), Germany, since 12/2011
Klinkenberg, J., Faist, H., Saupe, S., Lambertz, S., Krischke, M., Stingl, N., Fekete, A., Mueller, M. J., Feussner, I., Hedrich, R. and Deeken, R. (2014). Two fatty acid desaturases, STEAROYL-ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN Delta9-DESATURASE6 and FATTY ACID DESATURASE3, are involved in drought and hypoxia stress signaling in Arabidopsis crown galls. Plant Physiol 164(2): 570-583.
Furlan, G., Klinkenberg, J. and Trujillo, M. (2012). Regulation of plant immune receptors by ubiquitination. Front Plant Sci 3: 238.
Deeken, R., Ache, P., Kajahn, I., Klinkenberg, J., Bringmann, G. and Hedrich, R. (2008). Identification of Arabidopsis thaliana phloem RNAs provides a search criterion for phloem-based transcripts hidden in complex datasets of microarray experiments. Plant J 55(5): 746-759.