Ph.D. in Engineering-Root-Soil Mechanics, University of Bordeaux, France, 2004
Current position
Research Leader, Mathematical Phytology, the James Hutton Institute, UK (2007-present)
Graham, N. S.*, Hammond, J. P.*, Lysenko, A.*, Mayes, S., S, O. L., Blasco, B., Bowen, H. C., Rawlings, C. J., Rios, J. J., Welham, S., Carion, P. W., Dupuy, L. X., King, G. J., White, P. J. and Broadley, M. R. (2014). Genetical and comparative genomics of Brassica under altered Ca supply identifies Arabidopsis Ca-transporter orthologs. Plant Cell 26(7): 2818-2830.
Downie, H. F., Valentine, T. A., Otten, W., Spiers, A. J. and Dupuy, L. X. (2014). Transparent soil microcosms allow 3D spatial quantification of soil microbiological processes in vivo. Plant Signal Behav 9(10): e970421.
Adu, M. O., Chatot, A., Wiesel, L., Bennett, M. J., Broadley, M. R., White, P. J. and Dupuy, L. X. (2014). A scanner system for high-resolution quantification of variation in root growth dynamics of Brassica rapa genotypes. J Exp Bot 65(8): 2039-2048.
Ribeiro, K. M., Barreto, B., Pasqual, M., White, P. J., Braga, R. A. and Dupuy, L. X. (2014). Continuous, high-resolution biospeckle imaging reveals a discrete zone of activity at the root apex that responds to contact with obstacles. Ann Bot 113(3): 555-563.
Chavarria-Krauser, A., Dupuy, L. X. and Ptashnyk, M. (2014). Plant modelling preface Math. Model Nat Phenom 8, 1-4.
Sargent, F., Davidson, F. A., Kelly, C. L., Binny, R., Christodoulides, N., Gibson, D., Johansson, E., Kozyrska, K., Lado, L. L., Maccallum, J., Montague, R., Ortmann, B., Owen, R., Coulthurst, S. J., Dupuy, L., Prescott, A. R. and Palmer, T. (2013). A synthetic system for expression of components of a bacterial microcompartment. Microbiology 159(Pt 11): 2427-2436.
Yang, Z., Downie, H., Rozbicki, E., Dupuy, L. X. and MacDonald, M. P. (2013). Light Sheet Tomography (LST) for in situ imaging of plant roots. Opt Express 21(14): 16239-16247.
White, P. J., George, T. S., Dupuy, L. X., Karley, A. J., Valentine, T. A., Wiesel, L. and Wishart, J. (2013). Root traits for infertile soils. Front Plant Sci 4: 193.
Dresbøll, D. B., Thorup-Kristensen, K., McKenzie, B. M., Dupuy, L. X. and Bengough, A. G. (2013). Timelapse scanning reveals spatial variation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) root elongation rates during partial waterlogging. Plant and soil 369(1-2): 467-477.
Brown, L. K., George, T. S., Dupuy, L. X. and White, P. J. (2013). A conceptual model of root hair ideotypes for future agricultural environments: what combination of traits should be targeted to cope with limited P availability? Ann Bot 112(2): 317-330.
Downie, H., Holden, N., Otten, W., Spiers, A. J., Valentine, T. A. and Dupuy, L. X. (2012). Transparent soil for imaging the rhizosphere. PLoS One 7(9): e44276.
Dupuy, L. X. and Vignes, M. (2012). An algorithm for the simulation of the growth of root systems on deformable domains. J Theor Biol 310: 164-174.
Federici, F.*, Dupuy, L.*, Laplaze, L., Heisler, M. and Haseloff, J. (2012). Integrated genetic and computation methods for in planta cytometry. Nat Methods 9(5): 483-485. (*Equal contribution)
De Smet, I., White, P. J., Bengough, A. G., Dupuy, L., Parizot, B., Casimiro, I., Heidstra, R., Laskowski, M., Lepetit, M., Hochholdinger, F., Draye, X., Zhang, H., Broadley, M. R., Peret, B., Hammond, J. P., Fukaki, H., Mooney, S., Lynch, J. P., Nacry, P., Schurr, U., Laplaze, L., Benfey, P., Beeckman, T. and Bennett, M. (2012). Analyzing lateral root development: how to move forward. Plant Cell 24(1): 15-20.