Reiko Motohashi
  • Agriculture Department, Shizuoka University, Japan
  • Plant science


Ph.D. in Agriculture, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1997

Current position

Professor in the Agriculture Department, Shizuoka University, Shizuoka, Japan


  1. Asai, T., Choi, J. H, Ikka, T., Fushimi, K., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Yamakawa, Y., Kobori, H., Kiriiwa, Y., Motohashi, R., Deo, V. P., Asakawa, T., Kan, T., Morita, A., Kawagishi, H. (2015). Effect of 2-azahypoxanthine (AHX) produced by the fairy-ring-forming fungus on the growth and the grain yield of rice. JARQ 49(1),45-49.
  2. Satou, M., Enoki, H., Oikawa, A., Ohta, D., Saito, K., Hachiya, T., Sakakibara, H., Kusano, M., Fukushima, A., Saito, K., Kobayashi, M., Nagata, N., Myouga, F., Shinozaki, K. and Motohashi, R. (2014). Integrated analysis of transcriptome and metabolome of Arabidopsis albino or pale green mutants with disrupted nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins. Plant Mol Biol 85(4-5): 411-428.
  3. Choi, J. H., Ohnishi, T., Yamakawa, Y., Takeda, S., Sekiguchi, S., Maruyama, W., Yamashita, K., Suzuki, T., Morita, A., Ikka, T., Motohashi, R., Kiriiwa, Y., Tobina, H., Asai, T., Tokuyama, S., Hirai, H., Yasuda, N., Noguchi, K., Asakawa, T., Sugiyama, S., Kan, T. and Kawagishi, H. (2014). The source of "fairy rings": 2-azahypoxanthine and its metabolite found in a novel purine metabolic pathway in plants. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 53(6): 1552-1555.
  4. Ma, G., Zhang, L., Matsuta, A., Matsutani, K., Yamawaki, K., Yahata, M., Wahyudi, A., Motohashi, R. and Kato, M. (2013). Enzymatic formation of beta-citraurin from beta-cryptoxanthin and Zeaxanthin by carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase4 in the flavedo of citrus fruit. Plant Physiol 163(2): 682-695.
  5. Homma, M. K.#, Motohashi, R.# and Ohtsubo, H. (2013). Maximizing the potential of scientists in Japan: promoting equal participation for women scientists through leadership development. Genes Cells 18(7): 529-532.(#Equal contribution)
  6. Homma, M. K.#, Motohashi, R.# and Ohtsubo, H. (2013). Japan's lagging gender equality. Science 340(6131): 428-430.(#Equal contribution)
  7. Motohashi, R., Rodiger, A., Agne, B., Baerenfaller, K. and Baginsky, S. (2012). Common and specific protein accumulation patterns in different albino/pale-green mutants reveals regulon organization at the proteome level. Plant Physiol 160(4): 2189-2201.
  8. Choi, J. H., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Fushimi, K., Nishina, Y., Morita, A., Kiriiwa, Y., Motohashi, R., Hashizume, D., Koshino, H. and Kawagishi, H. (2010). Plant-growth regulator, imidazole-4-carboxamide, produced by the fairy ring forming fungus Lepista sordida. J Agric Food Chem 58(18): 9956-9959.
  9. Choi, J. H., Fushimi, K., Abe, N., Tanaka, H., Maeda, S., Morita, A., Hara, M., Motohashi, R., Matsunaga, J., Eguchi, Y., Ishigaki, N., Hashizume, D., Koshino, H. and Kawagishi, H. (2010). Disclosure of the "fairy" of fairy-ring-forming fungus Lepista sordida. Chembiochem 11(10): 1373-1377. 
  10. Tanaka, R., Rothbart, M., Oka, S., Takabayashi, A., Takahashi, K., Shibata, M., Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Shinozaki, K., Grimm, B. and Tanaka, A. (2010). LIL3, a light-harvesting-like protein, plays an essential role in chlorophyll and tocopherol biosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(38): 16721-16725.   
  11. Myouga, F., Akiyama, K., Motohashi, R., Kuromori, T., Ito, T., Iizumi, H., Ryusui, R., Sakurai, T. and Shinozaki, K. (2010). The Chloroplast Function Database: a large-scale collection of Arabidopsis Ds/Spm- or T-DNA-tagged homozygous lines for nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins, and their systematic phenotype analysis. Plant J 61(3): 529-542.
  12. Okuda, K., Hammani, K., Tanz, S. K., Peng, L., Fukao, Y., Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Shinozaki, K., Small, I. and Shikanai, T. (2010). The pentatricopeptide repeat protein OTP82 is required for RNA editing of plastid ndhB and ndhG transcripts. Plant J 61(2): 339-349.
  13. Okuda, K., Chateigner-Boutin, A. L., Nakamura, T., Delannoy, E., Sugita, M., Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Shinozaki, K., Small, I. and Shikanai, T. (2009). Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins with the DYW motif have distinct molecular functions in RNA editing and RNA cleavage in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. Plant Cell 21(1): 146-156.
  14.  Myouga, F., Hosoda, C., Umezawa, T., Iizumi, H., Kuromori, T., Motohashi, R., Shono, Y., Nagata, N., Ikeuchi, M. and Shinozaki, K. (2008). A heterocomplex of iron superoxide dismutases defends chloroplast nucleoids against oxidative stress and is essential for chloroplast development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 20(11): 3148-3162.
  15. Shimizu, H., Peng, L., Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Shinozaki, K. and Shikanai, T. (2008). CRR23/NdhL is a subunit of the chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 49(5): 835-842.
  16. Okuda, K., Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Shinozaki, K. and Shikanai, T. (2007). Conserved domain structure of pentatricopeptide repeat proteins involved in chloroplast RNA editing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(19): 8178-8183.
  17. Motohashi, R., Yamazaki, T., Myouga, F., Ito, T., Ito, K., Satou, M., Kobayashi, M., Nagata, N., Yoshida, S., Nagashima, A., Tanaka, K., Takahashi, S. and Shinozaki, K. (2007). Chloroplast ribosome release factor 1 (AtcpRF1) is essential for chloroplast development. Plant Mol Biol 64(5): 481-497.
  18. Ichikawa, T., Nakazawa, M., Kawashima, M., Iizumi, H., Kuroda, H., Kondou, Y., Tsuhara, Y., Suzuki, K., Ishikawa, A., Seki, M., Fujita, M., Motohashi, R., Nagata, N., Takagi, T., Shinozaki, K. and Matsui, M. (2006). The FOX hunting system: an alternative gain-of-function gene hunting technique. Plant J 48(6): 974-985.
  19. Myouga, F., Motohashi, R., Kuromori, T., Nagata, N. and Shinozaki, K. (2006). An Arabidopsis chloroplast-targeted Hsp101 homologue, APG6, has an essential role in chloroplast development as well as heat-stress response. Plant J 48(2): 249-260.
  20. Ito, T., Motohashi, R., Kuromori, T., Noutoshi, Y., Seki, M., Kamiya, A., Mizukado, S., Sakurai, T. and Shinozaki, K. (2005). A resource of 5,814 dissociation transposon-tagged and sequence-indexed lines of Arabidopsis transposed from start loci on chromosome 5. Plant Cell Physiol 46(7): 1149-1153.