José M. Dias
  • Research scientist, Karolinska Institutet
  • Developmental Biology


Ph. D. In Medical sciences, Karolinska Institute, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Stockholm, Sweden

Current position

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Karolinska Institutet, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology


  1. Jarrar, W., Dias, J. M., Ericson, J., Arnold, H. H. and Holz, A. (2015). Nkx2.2 and Nkx2.9 are the key regulators to determine cell fate of branchial and visceral motor neurons in caudal hindbrain. PLoS One 10(4): e0124408.
  2. Dias, J. M., Alekseenko, Z., Applequist, J. M. and Ericson, J. (2014). Tgfβ Signaling Regulates Temporal Neurogenesis and Potency of Neural Stem Cells in the CNS. Neuron 84(5): 927-939.
  3. Dias, J. M.*, Ilkhanizadeh, S.*, Karaca, E., Duckworth, J. K., Lundin, V., Rosenfeld, M. G., Ericson, J., Hermanson, O. and Teixeira, A. I. (2014). CtBPs sense microenvironmental oxygen levels to regulate neural stem cell state. Cell reports 8(3): 665-670.
  4. Oosterveen, T., Kurdija, S., Alekseenko, Z., Uhde, C. W., Bergsland, M., Sandberg, M., Andersson, E., Dias, J. M., Muhr, J. and Ericson, J. (2012). Mechanistic differences in the transcriptional interpretation of local and long-range Shh morphogen signaling. Developmental cell 23(5): 1006-1019.
  5. Lek, M.*, Dias, J. M.*, Marklund, U., Uhde, C. W., Kurdija, S., Lei, Q., Sussel, L., Rubenstein, J. L., Matise, M. P., Arnold, H. H., Jessell, T. M. and Ericson, J. (2010). A homeodomain feedback circuit underlies step-function interpretation of a Shh morphogen gradient during ventral neural patterning. Development 137(23): 4051-4060.
  6. Holz, A., Kollmus, H., Ryge, J., Niederkofler, V., Dias, J., Ericson, J., Stoeckli, E. T., Kiehn, O. and Arnold, H. H. (2010). The transcription factors Nkx2.2 and Nkx2.9 play a novel role in floor plate development and commissural axon guidance. Development 137(24): 4249-4260.
  7. Zheng, X.*, Linke, S.*, Dias, J. M.*, Zheng, X., Gradin, K., Wallis, T. P., Hamilton, B. R., Gustafsson, M., Ruas, J. L., Wilkins, S., Bilton, R. L., Brismar, K., Whitelaw, M. L., Pereira, T., Gorman, J. J., Ericson, J., Peet, D. J., Lendahl, U. and Poellinger, L. (2008). Interaction with factor inhibiting HIF-1 defines an additional mode of cross-coupling between the Notch and hypoxia signaling pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105(9): 3368-3373.
  8. Singh, M. K., Christoffels, V. M., Dias, J. M., Trowe, M. O., Petry, M., Schuster-Gossler, K., Burger, A., Ericson, J. and Kispert, A. (2005). Tbx20 is essential for cardiac chamber differentiation and repression of Tbx2. Development 132(12): 2697-2707.
  9. Logarinho, E.*, Bousbaa, H.*, Dias, J. M., Lopes, C., Amorim, I., Antunes-Martins, A. and Sunkel, C. E. (2004). Different spindle checkpoint proteins monitor microtubule attachment and tension at kinetochores in Drosophila cells. J Cell Sci 117(Pt 9): 1757-1771.
  10. Pattyn, A.*, Vallstedt, A.*, Dias, J. M., Sander, M. and Ericson, J. (2003). Complementary roles for Nkx6 and Nkx2 class proteins in the establishment of motoneuron identity in the hindbrain. Development 130(17): 4149-4159.
  11. Pattyn, A., Vallstedt, A., Dias, J. M., Samad, O. A., Krumlauf, R., Rijli, F. M., Brunet, J. F. and Ericson, J. (2003). Coordinated temporal and spatial control of motor neuron and serotonergic neuron generation from a common pool of CNS progenitors. Genes Dev 17(6): 729-737.

    *Equal author contribution