Jelena Perovic
  • Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Germany
  • Plant science


Bachelor of Agriculture for Plant and Food Product Protection (Diplom), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Zemun, Serbia, 1996

Current position

Scientific Assistant, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben, Department of Plant Breeding, Research Group Quantitative Genetics


  1. Perovic, J., Silvar, C., Koenig, J., Stein, N., Perovic, D. and Ordon, F. (2013). A versatile fluorescence-based multiplexing assay for CAPS genotyping on capillary electrophoresis systems. Molecular breeding 32(1): 61-69.
  2. Perovic, D., PRŽULJ, N., Milovanovic, M., Prodanovic, S., Perovic, J., Kopahnke, D., Ordon, F. and Graner, A. (2003). Characterisation of spring barley genetic resources in Yugoslavia. Schriften zu Genetischen Ressourcen: 301.
  3. Perovic, D., Prodanovic, S., Vracarevic, M., Perovic, J., Zoric, D. and Knezevic, G. (1999). Sprouting resistance and hordein composition in barley. In: Proceeding of eight international symposium on pre-harvest sprouting in cereals. Detmold, 31-38.
  4. Graora, D, Jerinic, D., Jovanovic, B. and Perovic, J. (1997). Fitofagni insekti grinje korovskih biljaka u usevu ozime psenice. Simpozijum entomologa Srbije 34: 2-4.
  5. Ognjanovic, R., Ruzic, M., Veljovic, P., Zdravkovic, L. and i Vlajic, J. (1997). Korovska flora okoline Prokuplja sa posebnim osvrtom na vrste iz familije Asteraceae i mogucnosti njihovog koriscenja. Zimska skola za agronome, Zbornik radova Vol.1. (1) 91-96.
  6. Perovic, D., Vracarevic, M. and i Vlajic, J. (1994). Primena klaster analize za ocenu srodnosti sorata psenice. X SNIRS, Beograd, Zbornik radova str: 197-203.