Silvio Tundo
  • Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali (DAFNE), Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy


Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology, joint supervision between Università della Tuscia (Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali-DAFNE, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy) and Aix Marseille Université (ISM2 - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille, France), 2015

Current position

Post Doctoral Researcher in Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali-DAFNE, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy


  1. Tundo, S., Moscetti, I., Faoro, F., Lafond, M., Giardina, T., Favaron, F., Sella, L. and D'Ovidio, R. (2015). Fusarium graminearum produces different xylanases causing host cell death that is prevented by the xylanase inhibitors XIP-I and TAXI-III in wheat. Plant Sci 240: 161-169.

  2. Kalunke, R. M., Tundo, S., Benedetti, M., Cervone, F., De Lorenzo, G. and D'Ovidio, R. (2015). An update on polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP), a leucine-rich repeat protein that protects crop plants against pathogens. Front Plant Sci 6: 146.

  3. Moscetti, I., Tundo, S., Janni, M., Sella, L., Gazzetti, K., Tauzin, A., Giardina, T., Masci, S., Favaron, F. and D'Ovidio, R. (2013). Constitutive expression of the xylanase inhibitor TAXI-III delays Fusarium head blight symptoms in durum wheat transgenic plants. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 26(12): 1464-1472.

  4. D’Ovidio, R., Moscetti, I., Janni, M., Volpi, C., Kalunke., Tundo, S., Sella, L. and Favaron, F. (2014). Durum wheat improvement against fungal pathogens by using protein inhibitors of cell wall degrading enzymes. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Genetics and Breeding of Durum Wheat, Rome (Italy); ed. E. Porceddu, A.B. Damania, C.O. Qualset. 110: 453-456.

  5. D’Ovidio, R., Janni, M., Tundo, S., Kalunke, R., Volpi, C. and Favaron, F. (2014). Pyramiding the glycosidase inhibitors inhibitors PvPGIP2 and AcPMEI to improve resistance against fungal diseases in wheat. Poster Communication, XVI MPMI Congress, Rhodes, Greece, July 6-10,2014

  6. D’Ovidio, R., Moscetti, I., Tundo, S., Janni, M., Sella, L.,Gazzetti, K., Masci, S., Giardina, T. and Favaron, F. (2013). The xylanase inhibitor TAXI-III is involved in wheat resistance against Fusarium graminearum. Oral Communication, C&E Spring Meeting Leuven, Belgium, May 29-31, 2013.

  7. Tundo, S., Moscetti, I., Faoro, F., Lafond, M., Giardina, T., Favaron, F., Sella, L. and D’Ovidio, R. (2015). The Xylanase Inhibitors TAXI-III and XIP-I inhibit the enzyme and cell death activities of xylanases secreted by Fusarium graminearum during wheat infection. Oral Communication, 59th SIGA-SIBV joint Congress, Milano, Italy, 8-11 September, 2015. ISBN 978-88-904570-5-0.

  8. Tundo, S., Kalunke, R., Janni, M.,  Volpi, C., Favaron, F. and D’Ovidio, R. (2014). Pyramiding the glycosidase inhibitors inhibitors PvPGIP2 and AcPMEI or PvPGIP2 and TAXI-III to improve resistance against fungal diseases in wheat. Poster Communication, 58th SIGA Annual Congress, Alghero, Italy – 15-18 September, 2014. ISBN 978-88-904570-4-3.

  9. Kalunke, R., Tundo, S., Janni, M.,  Volpi, C., Moscetti, I. and D’Ovidio, R. (2013). Transgene silencing limits the efficacy of glycosidase inhibitor pyramiding against fungal pathogens in durum and bread wheats. Poster Communication, 57th SIGA Annual Congress, Foggia, Italy, 16-19 September 2013 ISBN 978-88-904570-3-6.

  10. Moscetti, I., Tundo, S., Kalunke, R., Janni, M., Sella, L., Favaron, F. and D’Ovidio, R. (2013). Functional characterization of xylanase inhibitors in wheat. Poster Communication, 5th SIBV Annual Congress, Foggia, Italy, 18-20 September 2013.

  11. Moscetti, I., Tundo, S., Janni, M., Sella, L., Gazzetti, K., Tauzin, A., Giardina, T., Masci, S., Favaron, F. and D’Ovidio, R. (2013). Delay of Fusarium  Head Blight (FHB) symptoms in durum wheat transgenic plants expressing the xylanase inhibitor TAXI III. Poster Communication, XIX Convegno Nazionale SIPAV, Padova, 23-25 Settembre 2013.

  12. Moscetti, I., Tundo, S., Janni, M., Sella, L., Gazzetti, K., Giardina, T., Favaron, F. and D’Ovidio, R. (2012). Overexpression of the xylanase inhibitor TAXI-III reduces Fusarium head blight symptom in durum wheat. Oral Communication, 56th SIGA Annual Congress, Perugia, Italy, 17-20 September 2012. ISBN 978-88-904570-1-2.

  13. Kalunke, R., Janni, M., Benedettelli, S., Moscetti, I., Tundo, S. and D’Ovidio, R. (2012). Stacking of glycosidase protein inhibitor genes in durum and bread wheats. Poster  Communication, 56 th SIGA Annual Congress, Perugia, Italy, 17-20 September 2012. ISBN 978-88-904570-1-2.

  14. Moscetti, i., Tundo, S., Janni, M., Sella, L., Gazzetti, K., Giardina, T., Favaron, F. and D’Ovidio, R. (2012). The xylanase inhibitor TAXI-III is involved in wheat resistance against Fusarium graminearum. Poster Communication, XII FISV Congress, Roma, Italy, 24-27 settembre 2012.