Junsu Kang
  • Faculty, UW-Madison
  • Developmental biology


Ph.D., Seoul National University, 2010


Cell and Regenerative Biology Department


Regeneration, Zebrafish, Heart, Fin, Enhancer, Forward Genetics


Kang, J., Hu, J., Karra, R., Dickson, A.L, Tornini, V.A., Nachtrab, G., Gemberling, M., Goldman, J.A., Black, B.L., Poss, K.D. Modulation of tissue repair by regeneration enhancer elements. Nature. 523(7598):201-206, (2016)
Kang, J., Karra, R., and Poss, K.D. Back in Black. Developmental Cell. 33(6):623-624, (2015)
Kang, J., Nachtrab, G., Poss, K.D., Local Dkk1 Crosstalk from Breeding Ornaments Impedes Regeneration of Injured Male Zebrafish Fins. Developmental Cell. 27(1):19-31, (2013) (This paper is chosen by cover story.)
Kang, J.*, Bai, Z.*, Zegarek, M.H., Grant, B.D., Lee, J. Essential roles of snap-29 in C. elegans. Developmental Biology. 355(1):77-88, (2011). (* These two equally contributed to this work)
Choi, B., Kang, J., Park, YS., Lee, J., Cho, NJ. A possible role for FRM-1, a C. elegans FERM family protein, in embryonic development. Molecules and Cells. 31(5):455-459, (2011).
Min, K.*, Kang, J.*, Lee, J. A modified feeding RNAi method for simultaneous knock-down of more than one gene in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biotechniques. 48(3): 229-232, (2010). (* These two equally contributed to this work)
Kang, J., Shin, D., Yu, JR., Lee, J. Lats kinase is involved in the intestinal apical membrane integrity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Development. 136(16): 2705-2715 (2009).
Kim, YH., Song, HO., Ko, KM., Singaravelu, G., Jee, C., Kang, J., Ahnn, J. A novel calcineurin-interacting protein, CNP-3, modulates calcineurin deficient phenotypes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Molecules and Cells. 25(4):566-571 (2008).