Elena A. Ostrakhovitch
  • Research scientist, University of Kentucky
  • Biochemistry, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience


PhD, 1994


Professor Yamasaki Lab


cancer, aging, age associated disorders, redox regulation, biogenesis, metallothioneins, metals, cell signaling, protein aggregation, neurodegeneration, Parkinson's disease


1. Ostrakhovitch EA. (2019) Molecular toxicology. Delve Publishing ISBN 9781773613963

Book chapters
2. Ostrakhovitch EA, Tabibzadeh S. Homocysteine in Chronic Kidney Disease. Adv Clin Chem. 2015;72:77-106. doi: 10.1016/bs.acc.2015.07.002. Epub 2015 Aug 24

3. Ostrakhovitch E.A. (2014) Tin, Chapter in Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals (fourth edition) Vol II Specific metals ed. by Gunnar Nordberg, Bruce Fowler, Monica Nordberg, Lars Friberg, Elsevier

4. Ostrakhovitch E.A. (2010) Redox State and Oncogenes in Breast Cancer, chapter in Oncoproteins: Types and Detection ed. by Jeremy R. Davis, Nova publishers.

5. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Cherian M.G. (2007) Tin, Chapter in Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals (third edition) Vol II Specific metals ed. by Gunnar Nordberg, Bruce Fowler, Monica Nordberg, Lars Friberg, Elsevier.

Refereed Journal publications

1. Ostrakhovitch EA, Song ES, Macedo JKA, Gentry MS, Quintero JE, van Horne C, Yamasaki TR. Analysis of circulating metabolites to differentiate Parkinson's disease and essential tremor.
Neurosci Lett. 2022 Jan 19;769:136428. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2021.136428. Epub 2021 Dec 28.
PMID: 34971771 Free PMC article.

2. Ostrakhovitch EA, Akakura S, Tabibzadeh S. (2020) Hydrogen sulfide facilitates reprogramming and trans-differentiation in 3D dermal fibroblast. PLoS One. 2020 Nov 12;15(11):e0241685. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241685. eCollection 2020.
PMID: 33180827 Free PMC article.

3. Ostrakhovitch EA, Akakura S, Sanokawa-Akakura R, Tabibzadeh S. (2019) 3-Mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase disruption in dermal fibroblasts facilitates adipogenic trans-differentiation.
Exp Cell Res. 2019 Dec 15;385(2):111683. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.111683. Epub 2019 Oct 18.
PMID: 31634482

4. Sanokawa-Akakura R, Akakura S, Ostrakhovitch EA, Tabibzadeh S. (2019) Replicative senescence is distinguishable from DNA damage-induced senescence by increased methylation of promoter of rDNA and reduced expression of rRNA. Mech Ageing Dev. 2019 Oct;183:111149. doi: 10.1016/j.mad.2019.111149. Epub 2019 Sep 27. PMID: 31568766

5. Ostrakhovitch EA, Tabibzadeh S. (2018) Homocysteine and age-associated disorders.
Ageing Res Rev. 2019 Jan;49:144-164. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2018.10.010. Epub 2018 Nov 2.
PMID: 30391754

6. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Song Y.P., Cherian M.G. (2016) Basal and copper-induced expression of metallothionein isoform 1,2 and 3 genes in epithelial cancer cells: the role of tumor suppressor p53. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2016 May;35:18-29. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2016.01.008.

7. Ostrakhovitch E.A, Akakura S., Sanokawa-Akakura R., Goodwin S., Tabibzadeh S. (2015) Dedifferentiation of cancer cells following recovery from a potentially lethal damage is mediated by H2S-Nampt. Experimental Cell Research 330(1):135-50. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2014.09.027. Epub 2014 Sep 30

8. Sanokawa-Akakura R., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Akakura S., Goodwin S., Tabibzadeh S. (2014) H2S-Nampt dependent energetic circuit is critical to survival and cytoprotection from damage in cancer cells. PLOS one 1-12 , 9, e108537 doi:10.1038/srep03916

9. Akakura S., Elena Ostrakhovitch E.A., Sanokawa-Akakura R., Tabibzadeh S. (2014) Cancer cells recovering from damage exhibit mitochondrial restructuring and increased aerobic glycolysis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 448(4):461-6. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.04.138.

10. Ostrakhovitch E. In the wake of neural progenitors. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2013 Jun; 534(1-2):1-2.

11. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Semenikhin O.A. (2013) The role of redox environment in neurogenic development. Arch Biochem Biophys. 534 (1-2): 44-54. For Special thematic issue “Factors controlling neural stem cells differentiation and renewal”. (review article)

12. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Byers J.C, O'Neil K. D., Semenikhin, O. A (2012) Directed differentiation of embryonic P19 cells and neural stem cells into neural lineage on conducting PEDOT-PEG and ITO glass substrates. Arch Biochem Biophys. 528 (1): 21-31. Epub 2012 Aug 25. PMID:22944870.

13. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Semenikhin OA. (2011) P53-mediated regulation of neuronal differentiation via regulation of dual oxidase maturation factor 1. Neuroscience letters 494(1):80-5.

14. Ostrakhovitch E.A. (2011) Redox environment and its meaning for breast cancer cells fate. Current Cancer Drug Targets. 11(4):479-95. (review article)

15. Kennedy K.A.M., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Kavanagh S.D.E., Dayarathna T., Fok E., Chang W.Y., Skerjanc1 I.S., Stanford W.L., Li S.S.C. (2010) Mammalian numb interacting protein1/dual oxidase maturation factor1 is an intrinsic regulator of neuronal fate in stem cells. The first two authors have made equal contribution to this work. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285(23):17974-85. Epub 2010 Mar 16.

16. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Li Shawn S.-C. (2010) NIP1/DUOXA1 expression in epithelial breast cancer cells – regulation of cell adhesion and actin dynamics. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 119(3):773-86.

17. Ostrakhovitch E.A. (2009) Interplay between Numb and Notch in epithelial cancers: role for Dual oxidase maturation factor. European journal of cancer. 45(12):2071-6.

18. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Wang Y, Li Shawn S.-C. (2009) SAP binds to CD22 and regulates B cell inhibitory signaling and calcium flux. Cell Signal. 21(4):540-50.

19. Ilic-Stojanovic O., Ostrakhovich E., Nasonov E.L. (2008) Low level laser therapy in rheumatoid arthritis patients. possible mechanisms of action in randomised placebo controlled trials. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy vol: 5, Suppl. 1, pp. S15-S15.

20. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Klotz L.O. (2007) Highlight section: Copper and zinc in cell signaling and disease. Arch Biochem Biophys. 463(2), 133.

21. Barthel A., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Walter P.L., Kampkotter A., Klotz L.O. (2007) Stimulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt signaling by copper and zinc ions: Mechanisms and consequences.Arch Biochem Biophys. 463(2), 175-82. (review article)

22. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Olsson P.-E., von Hofsten J., Cherian M.G. (2007) p53 mediated regulation of metallothionein transcription (2007) J. Cell Biochem. 102(6), 1571-83

23. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Li S.S.-C. (2006) The role of SLAM family receptors in immune cell signaling. Biochem Cell Biol. 84(6), 832-43 (review article)

24. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Olsson P.-E., Jiang S., Cherian M.G. (2006) Interaction of metallothionein with tumor suppressor p53 protein. FEBS Lett. 580(5),1235-8.

25. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Cherian M.G. (2005) Inhibition of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) leads to apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) mediated apoptosis in epithelial breast cancer cells: The lack of effect of ERK in p53 mediated copper induced apoptosis. J. Cell Biochem. 95(6),1120-34.

26. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Cherian M.G. (2005) Role of p53 and reactive oxygen species in apoptotic response to copper and zinc in epithelial breast cancer cells. Apoptosis 10(1), 111-21.

27. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Cherian M.G. (2004) Differential regulation of signal transduction pathways in p53 wild type and mutated tumor epithelial cells by copper and zinc. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 423(2), 351-361.

28. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Lordnejad M.R., Schliess F., Sies H., Klotz L.-O. (2002) Copper Ions Strongly Activate the Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase/Akt Pathway Independent of the Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species. Arch. Biochem Biophys. 397(2), 232-239.

29. Ostrakhovitch E.A., Afanas’ev I.B. (2001) Oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis leukocytes; suppression by rutin and other antioxidant and chelators. Biochem.Pharmacol., 62, 743-746.

30. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Mikhal’chik E.V., Korkina L.G. (2001) Direct enzymatic reduction of lucigenin decreases lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence produced by superoxide ion. Luminescence 16(5), 305-7. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

31. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Mikhal’chik E.V., Ibragimova G.A., Korkina L.G. (2001) Enhancement of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of bioflavonoid rutin by complexation with transition metals. Biochem.Pharmacol., 61(6), 677-84. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

32. Ostrakhovich E.A., Ilich-Stoianovich O, Afanas'ev I.B. (2001) Active forms of oxygen and nitrogen in blood cells of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: effect of laser therapy. Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk. 5, 23-7 (in Russian).

33. Deeva I.B., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Korkina L.G. (2000) The complex rehabilitation of children with malignancy using “Dr.Nona” preparations as a compliment of the treatment. Effect of “Dr.Nona” preparations on the free radical status of children with oncological diseases of blood and brain. Medical radiology and radiation protection, 6, 47-56.

34. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrachovitch (Ostrakhovitch) E.A., Korkina L.G. (1999) Lucigenin is a mediator of cytochrome c reduction but not of superoxide production. Arch.Biochem.Biophys. 366, 267-274. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

35. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrachovich (Ostrakhovitch) E.A., Korkina L.G.(1998) Effect of rutin and its copper complex on superoxide formation and lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. FEBS letter, 425, 256-258. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

36. Ostrakhovich E.A., Getmanskaya N.V., Durnev A.D.(1998) Effect of Uncaria Tomentosa extract on the peroxynitrite formation by polymorphonuclear leukocytes of peripheral blood in healthy donors and diabetes mellitus patients. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 3 2(10), 543-545..

37. Ostrakhovich E.A., Vdovin A.V., Bizjukin A.B., Pavlov B.N., Smolin V.V., Meshkov D.O.(1998) Lipid peroxidation and antioxidative system in imitation diving. Vestnik Russian Akademy Nauk, 7, 58-60.

38. Ostrakhovich E.A., Mikhalchik E.V, Getmanskaya N.V., Durnev A.D.(1997) Antioxidant activity of the extract from Uncaria Tomentosa. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 31 (6), 326-329.

39. Bizjukin A.B., Ostrakhovich E.A., Meshkov D.O., Vdovin A.V., Pavlov B.N., Smolin V.V., Chuchalin A.G.(1997) Free radical status of human blood leukocytes under hyperbaric exposure to 25 atm. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 124(8), 211-214, 1997 (in Russian).

40. Afanas’ev I.B., Afanas’ev I.I., Ostrakhovich E.A., Korkina L.G. (1996) Antioxidant/prooxidant activities of lipoic and dihydrolipoic acids. Phys. Chem. Biol. Med. 3, 15-25

41. Afanas’ev I.B., Afanas’ev I.I., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Deeva I.B., Korkina L.G., 1996 Free radical mechanisms of iron toxicity, Plzen.lek. Sborn., Suppl. 71, pp.73-76, 1996. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

42. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrachovitch (Ostrakhovitch) E.A., Abramova N.E., Korkina L.G.(1995) Different antioxidant activities of bioflavonoid rutin in normal and iron-overloading rats. Biochemical Pharmacology 48, 627-635. (Afanas’ev I.B.- professor, head of laboratory; Korkina L.G.- professor, head of laboratory)

43. Soodaeva S.K., Ostrakhovich E.A.(1995) Role of free nonheme iron in lipid peroxidation under exposition to asbestos. Journal of Pulmonology, 1, 50-53.

44. Jagmurov B., Ostrakhovich E.A., Timofeev A.A., Soodaeva S.K.(1995) Influence of troventol on free-radical processes. Journal of Pulmonology, 1, 60-63.

45. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrachovitch (Ostrakhovitch) E.A., Kozlov A.V.(1994) Inhibitory effects of chelating drugs on lipid peroxidation in rat brain. Free Rad.Biol. Med. 16, 10-11.

46. Kozlov A.V., Ostrachovitch (Ostrakhovitch) E.A., Afanas’ev I.B.(1994) Mechanism of inhibitory effects of chelating drugs on lipid peroxidation in rat brain homogenates. Biochemical Pharmacology 47, 795-799

47. Soodaeva C.K., Ostrakhovich E.A., Kozlov A.V., Velitchkovskiy B.T.(1994) Changes of blood serum antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation caused by the exposure to asbestos. Bull.Exper.Biol.Med. 118(8), 145-7 (in Russian).

48. Afanas’ev I.B., Dorozhko A.I., Polozova N.I., Kuprianova N.S., Brodskii A.V., Ostrachovitch E.A., Korkina L.G.(1993) Is superoxide an initiator of microsomal lipid peroxidation? Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 302, 200-205

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. Ostrakovitch EA, Akakura S, Sanokawa-Akakura R, Tabibzadeh S (2018) Unleashing high-order plasticity of fibroblasts with down-regulating 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase. ASCB EMBO 2018 meeting San Diego CA December 8-12, 2018
2. Ostrakhovitch, E. A.; Afanas'ev, I. B. (2000) Overproduction of superoxide ion in mitochondria of monocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients. Free Rad.Biol. Med. 29, Suppl. 1, S24 (7th Annual Meeting of the Oxygen Society, Date: November 16-20, 2000 San Diego, CA, USA).

3. Afanas'ev, I. B.; Mikhal'chik, E. V.; Ostrakhovitch, E. A., Korkina L.G. (2000) Lucigenin-amplified chemiluminescence is a reliable assay of superoxide detection: Direct reduction of lucigenin decreases and not increases superoxide generation. Free Rad.Biol. Med. 29, Suppl. 1, S21 (7th Annual Meeting of the Oxygen Society, Date: November 16-20, 2000 San Diego, CA, USA).

4. Korkina L.G., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Ibragimova G.A., Afanas’ev I.B. Complexes of flavonoids with iron and copper as a new way of decreasing of oxidative damage induced by transition metal supplementation. In: Trace Elements in man and animals (TEMA 10), eds. Roussel A.M., Anderson R.A., Favier A.E., Kluwer, Academic/ Plenum Publ., New York, 2000. (Proceeding of the Tenth International Symposium on trace elements, May 2-7, 1999, Evian, France).

5. Afanas’ev I.B., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Deeva I., Korkina L.G. Protective effects of antioxidants on iron-induced free radical-mediated damaging processs in humans and animals. In: Trace Elements in man and animals (TEMA 10), eds. Roussel A.M., Anderson R.A., Favier A.E., Kluwer, Academic/ Plenum Publ., New York, 2000. (Proceeding of the Tenth International Symposium on trace elements, May 2-7, 1999, Evian, France).

6. Afanas’ev I.B., Osato J.A. , Afanas’ev I.I., Ostrakhovitch E.A., Deeva I., Korkina L.G. (1997) Mechanism of antioxidant activity of natural antioxidants. The Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioradicals. Edited by Kamada H., Ohya H., 160-163. Yamagata Japan

7. Mikhalchik, E. V.; Lipatova, V. A.; Ostrakhovich, E. A. (1996) Activation of phagocytes "respiratory burst" by zymosan containing various metal ions. Biochemical Society Transactions 24 (4), 541S (4th International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, July 14-17, 1996 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

8. Ostrakhovich, E. A.; Getmanskaya, N. V.; Borodulin, V. V., Durnev A.D. (1996) UNCARIA TOMENTOSA extract influence on peroxynitrite formation and NADPH oxidase activity. Biochemical Society Transactions 24(4), 537S (4th International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference, July 14-17, 1996 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)