Bo Liang
  • Faculty, University of North Dakota
  • Neuroscience


PhD, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013



calcium imaging; miniature microscope; machine learning;

21. Barbera, G., Jun, R., Zhang, Y., Liang, B., Li, Y. and Lin, D.T., 2022. A miniature fluorescence microscope for multi-plane imaging. Scientific Reports, 12(1), pp.1-8.
20. Liang, B. *, Zhang, L. *, Zhang, Y., Werner, C.T., Beacher, N.J., Denman, A.J., Li, Y., Chen, R., Gerfen, C.R., Barbera, G. and Lin, D.T., 2022. Striatal direct pathway neurons play leading roles in accelerating rotarod motor skill learning. Iscience, 25(5), p.104245. (*Co-first authors)
19. Liang, B. *, Thapa, R. *, Zhang, G., Moffitt, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Johnston, A., Ruby, H.P., Barbera, G., Wong, P.C. and Zhang, Z., 2022. Aberrant Neural Activity in Prefrontal Pyramidal Neurons Lacking TDP-43 Precedes Neuron loss. Progress in Neurobiology, p.102297. (*Co-first authors)
18. Zhang Y, Denman AJ, Liang B, Werner CT, Beacher NJ, Chen R, Li Y, Shaham Y, Barbera G, Lin DT. Detailed mapping of behavior reveals the formation of prelimbic neural ensembles across operant learning. Neuron. 2021 Dec 10:S0896-6273(21)00971-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.11.022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34921779.
17. Thapa R, Liang B, Liu R, Li Y. Stereotaxic Viral Injection and Gradient-Index Lens Implantation for Deep Brain In Vivo Calcium Imaging. J Vis Exp. 2021 Oct 8;(176). doi: 10.3791/63049. PMID: 34694282.
16. Barbera G., Zhang Y., Werner C., Liang B., Li Y., Lin D.T. (2020). An open source motorized swivel for in vivo neural and behavioral recordings. MethodsX 7, 101167
15. Barbera G., Liang B., Zhang Y., Moffitt C., Li Y., Lin D.T. (2020). An open-source capacitive touch sensing device for three chamber social behavior test. MethodsX 7, 101024
14. Wu J., Kung J., Dong J., Chang L., Xie C., Habib A., Hawes S., Yang N., Chen V., Liu Z., Evans R., Liang B., Sun L., Ding J., Yu J., Saez-Atienzar S., Tang B., Khaliq Z., Lin D.T., Le W., Cai H (2019). Distinct Connectivity and Functionality of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1a1-Positive Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons in Motor Learning. Cell Reports 28(5): 1167-1181.e7.
13. Barbera G., Liang B., Zhang L., Li Y., Lin D.T. (2019). A wireless miniScope for deep brain imaging in freely moving mice. J Neurosci Methods 323, 56-60.
12. Liang, B. *, Zhang, L. *, Moffitt, C., Li, Y., and Lin, D.T. (2019). An Open-source Automated Surgical Instrument for Microendoscope Implantation. J Neurosci Methods 311, 83-88. (*Corresponding authors)
11. Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., Liang, B., Barbera, G., Moffitt, C., Li, Y., and Lin, D.T (2019). A Two-Step GRIN Lens Coating for in vivo Brain Imaging. Neuroscience Bulletin 1-6.
10. Liang, B.*, Zhang, L.*, Barbera, G., Fang, W., Zhang, J., Chen, X., Chen, R., Li, Y., and Lin, D.T. (2018). Distinct and Dynamic ON and OFF Neural Ensembles in the Prefrontal Cortex Code Social Exploration. Neuron 100, 700-714.e9. (*Co-first authors)
9. Zhang, L. *, Liang, B. *, Barbera, G. *, Hawes, S., Zhang, Y., Stump, K., Baum, I., Yang, Y., Li, Y., and Lin, D.T. (2018). Miniscope GRIN Lens System for Calcium Imaging of Neuronal Activity from Deep Brain Structures in Behaving Animals. Curr Protoc Neurosci, e56. (*Co-first authors)
8. Zhang W, Daly KM, Liang B, Zhang LF, Li, X, Li Y, Lin DT. (2017). BDNF Rescues Prefrontal Dysfunction Elicited by Pyramidal Neuron Specific DTNBP1 Deletion In Vivo. J Mol Cell Biol 9(2):117-131.
7. Zhang, L., Liang, B., Li, Y. and Lin, D. (2017). Thinned-skull Cranial Window Preparation (Mice). Bio-protocol 7(5): e2158.
6. Barbera G*, Liang B*, Zhang LF*, Gerfen CR, Culurciello E, Chen R, Li Y, Lin DT (2016). Spatially Compact Neural Clusters in the Dorsal Striatum Encode Locomotion Relevant Information. Neuron 92(1):202-213 (*Co-first authors)
5. Zhang W*, Zhang LF*, Liang B, Schroeder D, Zhang ZW, Cox GA, Li Y, Lin DT (2016). Hyperactive Somatostatin Interneurons Contribute to Excitotoxicity in Neurodegenerative Disorders. Nature Neuroscience 19, 557–559.
4. Liang B, Dai Y, Zhao HX, Zhang YD (2013). Effect of Ocular Aberrations on Binocular Summation in Different Light Levels. Opto-Electronic Engineering 40(7): 1-8.
3. Yang, B, Liang, B, Liu, L, Liao, M, Li, Q, Dai, Y, Zhao, HX, Zhang, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2013). Contrast Sensitivity Function after Correcting Residual Wavefront Aberrations during RGP Lens Wear. Optometry & Vision Science 91(10):1271-7.
2. Liang, B, Liu, R, Dai, Y, Zhou, JW, Zhou, YF, & Zhang, YD (2012). Effects of Ocular Aberrations on Contrast Detection in Noise. Journal of Vision, 12(8):3, 1–15.
1. Zhou, JW, Zhang, YD, Dai, Y, Zhao, HX, Liu, R, Hou, F., Liang, B, Hess, RF & Zhou, YF (2012). The Eye Limits the Brain’s Learning Potential. Scientific Reports 2, 364.