Xiaolu Qu
  • Professor, College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University
  • Cell biology


Ph.D in developmental biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 2014


• Zhang R. #, Qu X. #, Zhang M. #, Jiang Y., Dai A., Zhao W., Cao D., Lan Y., Yu R., Wang H., Huang S., The balance between actin-bundling factors controls actin architecture in pollen tubes. iScience; 2019,16:162-176 (# co-first author)
• Diao M., Qu X., and Huang S. 2018. Calcium imaging in Arabidopsis pollen cells using G-CaMP5. J. Integr. Plant Biol. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12642.
• Qu X.#, Zhang R.#, Zhang M.#, Diao M., Xue Y., Huang S. 2017. Organizational innovation of apical actin filaments drives rapid pollen tube growth and turning. Mol. Plant 10: 930-947 (# co-first author)
• Zhang M.#, Zhang R.#, Qu X.#, and Huang S. 2016. Arabidopsis FIM5 decorates apical actin filaments and regulates their organization in the pollen tube. J. Exp. Bot. 67: 3407-3417.(# co-first author)
• Zhang R., Chang M., Zhang M., Wu Y., Qu X., and Huang S. 2016. The structurally plastic CH2 domain is linked to distinct functions of Fimbrins/Plastins. J. Biol. Chem. 291: 17881-17896.
• Qu X., Jiang Y., Chang M., Liu X., Zhang R., Huang S. 2015 Organization and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in the pollen tube. Front Plant Sci. 5: 786
• Liu X., Qu X., Jiang Y., Chang M., Zhang R., Wu Y., Fu Y., and Huang S. 2015. Profilin regulates apical actin polymerization to control polarized pollen tube growth. Mol. Plant. 8:1694-1709
• Huang S., Qu X., Zhang R. 2015. Plant villins: versatile actin regulatory proteins. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 57(1): 40-9
• Wang J., Zhang R., Chang M., Qu X., Diao M., Zhang M., Huang S. 2014. Actin Cytoskeleton. In: Assmann S, Liu B (eds) Plant Cell Biology. Springer New York, New York, NY, pp 1-28
• Qu X., Zhang H., Xie Y., Wang J., Chen N., and Huang S. 2013. Arabidopsis Villins promote actin turnover at pollen tube tips and facilitate the construction of actin collars. Plant Cell 25: 1803-1817
• Zhao Y., Zhen P., Zhang Y., Qu X., Zhang Y., Yang Y., Jiang X., Huang S., Yuan M., Schumarker K.S. and Guo Y. 2013. The actin-related protein2/3 complex regulates mitochondrial-associated calcium signaling during salt stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25:4544-59
• Zheng Y., Xie Y., Jiang Y., Qu X., and Huang S. 2013. Arabidopsis ACTIN-DEPOLYMERIZING FACTOR7 severs actin filaments and regulates actin cable turnover to promote normal pollen tube growth. Plant Cell 25: 3405-3423
• Zhao Y., Zhao S., Mao T., Qu X., Cao W., Zhang L., Zhang W., He L., Li S., Ren S., Zhao J., Zhu G., Huang S., Ye K., Yuan M. and Guo Y. 2011. The plant-specific actin binding protein SCAB1 stabilizes actin filaments and regulates stomatal movement in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23: 2314-2330
• Zhang H.#, Qu X.#, Bao C., Khurana P., Wang Q., Xie Y., Zheng Y., Chen N., Blanchoin L., Staiger C.J. and Huang S. 2010. Arabidopsis VILLIN5, an actin filament bundling and severing protein, is necessary for normal pollen tube growth. Plant Cell 22: 2749-2767 ( # Co-first Authors)
• Wu Y., Yan J., Zhang R., Qu X., Ren S., Chen N. and Huang S. 2010. Arabidopsis FIMBRIN5, an actin bundling factor, is required for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Plant Cell 22: 3745-3763
• Chen N., Qu X., Wu Y. and Huang S. 2009. Regulation of actin dynamics in pollen tubes: control of actin polymer level. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 51(8): 740-750