doctorate, Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020
CRISPR-Cas9; Base-editing;Embryo Development;Primordial Germ Cell Development;Embryonic stem cells;Semi-cloning Technology;
1) Li, Q#., Li, Y#., Yang, S., Huang, S., Yan, M., Ding, Y., Tang, W., Lou, X., Yin, Q., Sun, Z., Lu, L. Shi, H., Wang, H.. Chen, Y*., and Li, J*. (2018). CRISPR–Cas9-mediated base-editing screening in mice identifies DND1 amino acids that are critical for primordial germ cell development. Nat Cell Biol. 20(11): 1315-1325. (# Co-first author);
2) Li, Q#., Li, Y#., Yin, Q#., Huang, S#., Wang K#., Zhuo, L., Li, W., Chang, B., and Li, J*.Temporal regulation of prenatal embryonic development by paternal imprinted loci. (2020). SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 63.1. (# Co first author). (Cover story);
3) Yin, Q#., Wang, H#., Li, N#., Ding,Y#., Xie, Z#., Jin, L#., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Xu, L., Li, Q, Ma, Y., Cheng, Y., …… Hu, P.,* and Li, J*. (2020). Dosage effect of multiple genes accounts for multisystem disorder of myotonic dystrophy type 1. Cell Research, 30(2): 133-145.;
4) Bai, M#., Han, Y#., Wu, Y., Liao, J., Li. L., Wang, L., Li, Q., Xing, W., Chen, L., Zou, W*., and Li, J*.. (2019) Targeted genetic screening in mice through haploid embryonic stem cells identifies critical genes in bone development. PLoS Biol 17 (7):e3000350;
5) Wang, L#., Li, M#., Qu, C., Miao, W., Yin, Q., Liao, J., Cao, H., Huang, M., Wang, K., Zuo, E., Peng, G., Zhang, S., Cheng, G., Li, Q., Tang, K., Yu, Q., Li, Z.J., Wong, C., Xu, G., Jing, N., Yu, X*., and Li, J*.. (2017). CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing in one blastomere of two-cell embryos reveals a novel Tet3 function in regulating neocortical development. Cell Research 27, 815-829;
6 Bai, M#., Liang, D#., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Wu, Y*., and Li, J*.. (2016). Spermatogenic Cell Specific Gene Mutation in Mice via CRISPR-Cas9. J Genet Genomics 43, 289-296;