Carmen Bianco
  • Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Via P. Castellino 111, Italy
  • Microbiology


Ph.D, Università Federico II di Napoli, Italy, 2001

Current position

Researcher, IBBR, CNR, Italy


  1. Defez, R., Esposito, R., Angelini, C. and Bianco, C. (2016). Overproduction of Indole-3-Acetic Acid in Free-Living Rhizobia Induces Transcriptional Changes Resembling Those Occurring in Nodule Bacteroids. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 29(6): 484-495.
  2. Mita, R. L., Grumiro, L., Rossi, S., Bianco, C., Defez, R., Gallo, P., Mita, D. G. and Diano, N. (2015). Bisphenol A removal by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized on granular activated carbon and operating in a fluidized bed reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials 291: 129-135.
  3. Germanà, M. A., Micheli, M., Chiancone, B., Bianco, C., Casales, F. G. and Defez, R. (2015). Biotization of encapsulated vitro-derived propagules of Carrizo citrange. Article in Acta horticulturae.
  4. Bianco, C., Senatore, B., Arbucci, S., Pieraccini, G. and Defez, R. (2014). Modulation of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in bacteroids within Medicago sativa nodules. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(14): 4286-4293.
  5. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2011). Soil Bacteria Support and Protect Plants Against Abiotic Stresses. In: Shanker, A. and Venkateswarlu, B. (eds.). Abiotic Stress in Plants - Mechanisms and Adaptations.
  6. Bianco, C., Rotino, G. L., Campion, B., Anas, I. and Defez, R. (2010). How to improve legume production under severe environmental stresses. Journal of Biotechnology 150: 119-119.
  7. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2010). Auxins upregulate nif and fix genes. Plant Signal Behav 5(10): 1290-1294.
  8. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2010). Improvement of phosphate solubilization and Medicago plant yield by an indole-3-acetic acid-overproducing strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Appl Environ Microbiol 76: 4626-4632.
  9. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E. and Defez, R. (2009). Legumes like more IAA. Plant Signal Behav 4(8): 763-765.
  10. Bianco, C. and Defez, R. (2009). Medicago truncatula improves salt tolerance when nodulated by an indole-3-acetic acid-overproducing Sinorhizobium meliloti strain. J Exp Bot 60(11): 3097-3107.
  11. Imperlini, E., Bianco, C., Lonardo, E., Camerini, S., Cermola, M., Moschetti, G. and Defez, R. (2009). Effects of indole-3-acetic acid on Sinorhizobium meliloti survival and on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and stem dry weight production. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 83(4): 727-738.
  12. Camerini, S., Senatore, B., Lonardo, E., Imperlini, E., Bianco, C., Moschetti, G., Rotino, G. L., Campion, B. and Defez, R. (2008). Introduction of a novel pathway for IAA biosynthesis to rhizobia alters vetch root nodule development. Arch Microbiol 190(1): 67-77.
  13. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E., Calogero, R., Senatore, B., Amoresano, A., Carpentieri, A., Pucci, P. and Defez, R. (2006). Indole-3-acetic acid improves Escherichia coli's defences to stress. Arch Microbiol 185(5): 373-382.
  14. Bianco, C., Imperlini, E., Calogero, R., Senatore, B., Pucci, P. and Defez, R. (2006). Indole-3-acetic acid regulates the central metabolic pathways in Escherichia coli. Microbiology 152(Pt 8): 2421-2431.
  15. Palmieri, G. and Bianco, C., Cennamo, G., Giardina, P., Marino, G., Delmonte, M. and Sannia, G. (2001). Purification, characterization and functional role of a novel extracellular protease from Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 67 (6): 2754-2759.
  16. Garzillo, A. M., Colao, M. C., Buonocore, V., Oliva, R., Falcigno, L., Saviano, M., Santoro, A. M., Zappala, R., Bonomo, R. P., Bianco, C., Giardina, P., Palmieri, G. and Sannia, G. (2001). Structural and kinetic characterization of native laccases from Pleurotus ostreatus, Rigidoporus lignosus, and Trametes trogii. J Protein Chem 20(3): 191-201.
  17. Palmieri, G., Giardina, P., Bianco, C., Fontanella, B. and Sannia, G. (2000). Copper induction of laccase isoenzymes in the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 66(3): 920-924.
  18. Palmieri, G., Giardina, P., Bianco, C., Scaloni, A., Capasso, A. and Sannia, G. (1997). A novel white laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus. J Biol Chem 272: 31301-31307.