Piotr A. Ziolkowski
  • Department of Genome Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, Poland,
  • Plant science


PhD, Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, 2005

Current position

Head of the Department, Department of Genome Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland


  1. Sura, W., Kabza, M., Karlowski, W. M., Bieluszewski, T., Kus-Slowinska, M., Paweloszek, L., Sadowski, J. and Ziolkowski, P. A. (2017). Dual Role of the Histone Variant H2A.Z in Transcriptional Regulation of Stress-Response Genes. Plant Cell 29(4): 791-807.
  2. Ziolkowski, P. A., Underwood, C. J., Lambing, C., Martinez-Garcia, M., Lawrence, E. J., Ziolkowska, L., Griffin, C., Choi, K., Franklin, F. C., Martienssen, R. A. and Henderson, I. R. (2017). Natural variation and dosage of the HEI10 meiotic E3 ligase control Arabidopsis crossover recombination. Genes Dev 31(3): 306-317.
  3. Ziolkowski, P. A. and Henderson, I. R. (2017). Interconnections between meiotic recombination and sequence polymorphism in plant genomes. New Phytol 213(3): 1022-1029.
  4. Choi, K., Reinhard, C., Serra, H., Ziolkowski, P. A., Underwood, C. J., Zhao, X., Hardcastle, T. J., Yelina, N. E., Griffin, C., Jackson, M., Mezard, C., McVean, G., Copenhaver, G. P. and Henderson, I. R. (2016). Recombination Rate Heterogeneity within Arabidopsis Disease Resistance Genes. PLoS Genet 12(7): e1006179.
  5. Bieluszewski, T., Galganski, L., Sura, W., Bieluszewska, A., Abram, M., Ludwikow, A., Ziolkowski, P. A. and Sadowski, J. (2015). AtEAF1 is a potential platform protein for Arabidopsis NuA4 acetyltransferase complex. BMC Plant Biol 15: 75.
  6. Ludwikow, A., Ciesla, A., Kasprowicz-Maluski, A., Mitula, F., Tajdel, M., Galganski, L., Ziolkowski, P. A., Kubiak, P., Malecka, A., Piechalak, A., Szabat, M., Gorska, A., Dabrowski, M., Ibragimow, I. and Sadowski, J. (2014). Arabidopsis protein phosphatase 2C ABI1 interacts with type I ACC synthases and is involved in the regulation of ozone-induced ethylene biosynthesis. Mol Plant 7(6): 960-976.
  7. Yelina, N. E., Ziolkowski, P. A., Miller, N., Zhao, X., Kelly, K. A., Munoz, D. F., Mann, D. J., Copenhaver, G. P. and Henderson, I. R. (2013). High-throughput analysis of meiotic crossover frequency and interference via flow cytometry of fluorescent pollen in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Protoc 8(11): 2119-2134.
  8. Choi, K., Zhao, X., Kelly, K. A., Venn, O., Higgins, J. D., Yelina, N. E., Hardcastle, T. J., Ziolkowski, P. A., Copenhaver, G. P., Franklin, F. C., McVean, G. and Henderson, I. R. (2013). Arabidopsis meiotic crossover hot spots overlap with H2A.Z nucleosomes at gene promoters. Nat Genet 45(11): 1327-1336.
  9. Hu, J., Gui, S., Zhu, Z., Wang, X., Ke, W. and Ding, Y. (2015). Genome-Wide Identification of SSR and SNP Markers Based on Whole-Genome Re-Sequencing of a Thailand Wild Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera). PLoS One 10(11): e0143765.
  10. Ziolkowski, P. A., Koczyk, G., Galganski, L. and Sadowski, J. (2009). Genome sequence comparison of Col and Ler lines reveals the dynamic nature of Arabidopsis chromosomes. Nucleic Acids Res 37(10): 3189-3201.
  11. Kaczmarek, M., Koczyk, G., Ziolkowski, P. A., Babula-Skowronska, D. and Sadowski, J. (2009). Comparative analysis of the Brassica oleracea genetic map and the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Genome 52(7): 620-633.
  12. Ziolkowski, P. A., Kaczmarek, M., Babula, D. and Sadowski, J. (2006). Genome evolution in Arabidopsis/Brassica: conservation and divergence of ancient rearranged segments and their breakpoints. Plant J 47(1): 63-74.
  13. Ziolkowski, P. A., Blanc, G. and Sadowski, J. (2003). Structural divergence of chromosomal segments that arose from successive duplication events in the Arabidopsis genome. Nucleic Acids Res 31(4): 1339-1350.
  14. Ziolkowski, P. A. and Sadowski, J. (2002). FISH-mapping of rDNAs and Arabidopsis BACs on pachytene complements of selected Brassicas. Genome 45(1): 189-197.
  15. Ziolkowski, P. A., Kaczmarek, M., Babula-Skowronska, D. and Sadowski, J. (2011). Brassica genome evolution: dynamics and plasticity. In: Edwards, D., Batley, J., Parkin, I. and Kole, C. (ed.). Brassica oilseeds. Science Publishers pp: 14-46.
  16. Ziolkowski, P. A., Lysak, M. A. and Heneen, W. K. (2011). Cytogenetic studies in vegetable Brassicas. In: Sadowski, J. and Kole, C. (ed.). Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Vegetable Brassicas. Science Publishers pp: 257-303.
  17. Babula, D., Kaczmarek, M., Ziolkowski, P. A., Sadowski, J. (2007). Brassica oleracea. In: Kole, C. (ed.). Genome Mapping & Molecular Breeding. Vol. 5: Vegetables. Springer pp: 227-285.
  18. Ziolkowski, P. A. and Sadowski, J. (2004). Cytogenetic analysis (BAC/FISH) of duplicated chromosomal segments in Brassicaceae family. In: Sadowski, J. (Ed.). Understanding the Plant Genome, Institute of Plant Genetics PAS p: 89-97.
  19. Babula, D., Kaczmarek, M., Ziolkowski, P. and Sadowski, J. (2000). Application of chromosomal map and gene probes of Arabidopsis in studies on Brassica genomes. In: Hrazdina, G. (Ed.). Use of agriculturally important genes in biotechnology. NATO Science Series A. Life sciences. Vol. 319. IOS Press Ohmsha pp: 70–75.
  20. Sadowski, J., Kaczmarek, M., Ziolkowski, P. A. and Babula, D. (2004). Plant comparative genomics: Arabidopsis/Brassica model. In: Monographs of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Research Activity of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 98-101.
  21. Naganowska, B., Kaczmarek, A., Ziolkowski, P. and Kosmala, A. (2004). Fluorescence in situ hybridisation. In: Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics in plant breeding, School of Biotechnology. Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan: 41-69.
  22. Sadowski, J., Kaczmarek, M., Ziolkowski, P. A., Babula, D., Jakubowicz, M., Ludwików, A. and Stańko, A. (2003). Genetic diversity and the Arabidopsis genome: a perspective. Postępy Nauk Rolniczych 6: 59-71.
  23. Chełkowski, J. and Ziolkowski, P. (2002). Structure and function of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Postępy Nauk Rolniczych 1: 45-56.