Salar Torabi
  • Post-Doc, Plant genetics, Technical University Munich
  • Plant science


Ph.D. in Molecular Biology of Plants, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, 2014

Current position

Seeking work


  1. Torabi, S., Umate, P., Manavski, N., Plochinger, M., Kleinknecht, L., Bogireddi, H., Herrmann, R. G., Wanner, G., Schroder, W. P. and Meurer, J. (2014). PsbN is required for assembly of the photosystem II reaction center in Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Cell 26(3): 1183-1199.
  2. Wittek, F., Torabi, S., Kolb, M. and Walther, U. I. (2014). Pro-oxidative toxicity of cells in suspension does not point to a cell cultural artefact as an explanation of the increased susceptibility of alveolar epithelial-like cells after glucocorticoid pretreatment. Toxicol In Vitro 28(6): 1089-1096.
  3. Manavski, N., Torabi, S., Stoppel, R. and Meurer, J. (2012). Phylogenetic and ontogenetic integration of organelles into the compartmentalized genome of the eukaryotic cell. J Endocytobio Cell Res 23, 25-31.
  4. Stoppel, R., Lezhneva, L., Schwenkert, S., Torabi, S., Felder, S., Meierhoff, K., Westhoff, P. and Meurer, J. (2011). Recruitment of a ribosomal release factor for light- and stress-dependent regulation of petB transcript stability in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. Plant Cell 23(7): 2680-2695.