

0 Q&A 160 Views Mar 20, 2025

The early detection of meningitis pathogens—including Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Klebsiella pneumoniae—through point-of-care (POC) systems is essential for mitigating the risk of neurological damage, enhancing patient outcomes, and facilitating prompt clinical decision-making. Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT) is a promising tool for improving the diagnosis process of bacterial pathogens associated with brain inflammation. This is due to its high sensitivity, rapidity, and compatibility with portable diagnostic platforms, making it particularly suitable for POC applications. This protocol introduces an innovative diagnostic approach designed to function effectively without the need for advanced laboratory equipment. By leveraging dual-priming isothermal amplification (DAMP), the assay uses custom internal primers to enhance specificity and minimize false results. Brilliant Green is used in this assay for fluorescence detection due to its availability, high fluorescence level, and optimal sample-to-background (S/B) ratio. The assay demonstrated excellent specificity, absence of false positives, sensitivity comparable to loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), and a high S/B ratio.

0 Q&A 169 Views Mar 20, 2025

Stroke is a worldwide leading cause of death and long-term disability, with ischemic strokes making up approximately 85% of all cases. There is a significant need for an ideal animal model that accurately replicates the disease’s pathology to study the molecular mechanisms of brain injury. Various experimental models have been created to induce middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), including intraluminal MCAO, photothrombotic models, endothelin-1 injections, and electrocoagulation. However, these often result in large infarct or lesion volumes accompanied by considerable variability. In this study, we present a ministroke model that specifically targets the mouse barrel cortex, making it suitable for investigating the mechanisms of minor strokes and stroke recurrence. In our model, the distal branch of the right middle cerebral artery (MCA), which supplies the sensorimotor cortex, is permanently ligated using 10-0 sutures. This is followed by a 7-min occlusion of the bilateral common carotid arteries (CCAs) and subsequent reperfusion. This approach produces a mild stroke characterized by small and consistent lesion volumes and very low mortality rates. A well-trained experimenter can achieve nearly zero mortality with this technique. Furthermore, this model of localized ischemia induces lesions in the functionally defined barrel cortex, allowing the use of the vibrissae-evoked forelimb placing test to assess functional outcomes.

0 Q&A 200 Views Mar 20, 2025

The growth cone is a highly motile tip structure that guides axonal elongation and directionality in differentiating neurons. Migrating immature neurons also exhibit a growth cone–like structure (GCLS) at the tip of the leading process. However, it remains unknown whether the GCLS in migrating immature neurons shares the morphological and molecular features of axonal growth cones and can thus be considered equivalent to them. Here, we describe a detailed method for time-lapse imaging and optical manipulation of growth cones using a super-resolution laser-scanning microscope. To observe growth cones in elongating axons and migrating neurons, embryonic cortical neurons and neonatal ventricular–subventricular zone (V-SVZ)-derived neurons, respectively, were transfected with plasmids encoding fluorescent protein–conjugated cytoskeletal probes and three-dimensionally cultured in Matrigel, which mimics the in vivo background. At 2–5 days in vitro, the morphology and dynamics of these growth cones and their associated cytoskeletal molecules were assessed by time-lapse super-resolution imaging. The use of photoswitchable cytoskeletal inhibitors, which can be reversibly and precisely controlled by laser illumination at two different wavelengths, revealed the spatiotemporal regulatory machinery and functional significance of growth cones in neuronal migration. Furthermore, machine learning–based methods enabled us to automatically segment growth cone morphology from elongating axons and the leading process. This protocol provides a cutting-edge methodology for studying the growth cone in developmental and regenerative neuroscience, being adaptable for various cell biology and imaging applications.

0 Q&A 153 Views Mar 5, 2025

Changes in neuronal conduction are common in disease states affecting peripheral nerves. These alterations can significantly impact nerve function and lead to sensorimotor disabilities. In vivo electromyography recording is a well-established electrophysiological method that has been used for decades to assess sensory and motor functions in the nervous system. Nerve studies are challenging to conduct in vivo in rodents, and the involvement of muscle activity makes it difficult to isolate and assess nerve function independently. This protocol provides a comprehensive guide for accurate ex vivo sciatic nerve dissection and handling from mice. It includes the creation of a three-compartment chamber and the establishment of electrophysiological protocols, which enable differential recordings and the analysis of compound action potentials from various nerve fibers. This setup allows researchers to study the specific effects of drugs and pathologies on nerves from a mechanistic perspective. The setup is a stand-alone apparatus that does not require the use of suction electrodes and the maintenance of negative pressure, which can affect the signal-to-noise ratio and recording stability.

0 Q&A 300 Views Mar 5, 2025

The reduction in intracellular neuronal chloride concentration is a crucial event during neurodevelopment that shifts GABAergic signaling from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing. Alterations in chloride homeostasis are implicated in numerous neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Recent advancements in biosensor technology allow the simultaneous determination of intracellular chloride concentration of multiple neurons. Here, we describe an optimized protocol for the use of the ratiometric chloride sensor SuperClomeleon (SClm) in organotypic hippocampal slices. We record chloride levels as fluorescence responses of the SClm sensor using two-photon microscopy. We discuss how the SClm sensor can be effectively delivered to specific cell types using virus-mediated transduction and describe the calibration procedure to determine the chloride concentration from SClm sensor responses.

0 Q&A 406 Views Mar 5, 2025

Local mRNA translation in axons is crucial for the maintenance of neuronal function and homeostasis, particularly in processes such as axon guidance and synaptic plasticity, due to the long distance from axon terminals to the soma. Recent studies have shown that RNA granules can hitchhike on the surface of motile lysosomal vesicles, facilitating their transport within the axon. Accordingly, disruption of lysosomal vesicle trafficking in the axon, achieved by knocking out the lysosome–kinesin adaptor BLOC-one-related complex (BORC), decreases the levels of a subset of mRNAs in the axon. This depletion impairs the local translation of mitochondrial and ribosomal proteins, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and axonal degeneration. Various techniques have been developed to visualize translation in cells, including translating RNA imaging by coat protein knock-off (TRICK), SunTag, and metabolic labeling using the fluorescent non-canonical amino acid tagging (FUNCAT) systems. Here, we describe a sensitive technique to detect newly synthesized proteins at subcellular resolution, the puromycin proximity ligation assay (Puro-PLA). Puromycin, a tRNA analog, incorporates into nascent polypeptide chains and can be detected with an anti-puromycin antibody. Coupling this method with the proximity ligation assay (PLA) allows for precise visualization of newly synthesized target proteins. In this article, we describe a step-by-step protocol for performing Puro-PLA in human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neuronal cultures (i3Neurons), offering a powerful tool to study local protein synthesis in the axon. This tool can also be applied to rodent neurons in primary culture, enabling the investigation of axonal protein synthesis across species and disease models.

0 Q&A 202 Views Feb 20, 2025

Gap junctions are transmembrane protein channels that enable the exchange of small molecules such as ions, second messengers, and metabolites between adjacent cells. Gap junctions are found in various mammalian organs, including skin, endothelium, liver, pancreas, muscle, and central nervous system (CNS). In the CNS, they mediate coupling between neural cells including glial cells, and the resulting panglial networks are vital for brain homeostasis. Tracers of sufficiently small molecular mass can diffuse across gap junctions and are used to visualize the extent of cell-to-cell coupling in situ by delivering them to a single cell through sharp electrodes or patch-clamp micropipettes. Here, we describe a protocol for pre-labeling and identification of astrocytes in acute mouse forebrain slices using Sulforhodamine 101 (SR101). Fluorescent cells can then be targeted for whole-cell patch-clamp, which allows for further confirmation of astroglial identity by assessing their electrophysiological properties, as well as for passive dialysis with a tracer such as biocytin. Slices can then be subjected to chemical fixation and immunostaining to detect dye-coupled networks. This protocol provides a method for the identification of astrocytes in live tissue through SR101 labeling. Alternatively, transgenic reporter mice can also be used to identify astrocytes. While we illustrate the use of this protocol for the study of glial networks in the mouse brain, the general principles are applicable to other species, tissues, and cell types.

0 Q&A 445 Views Feb 20, 2025

Microglial cells are crucial patrolling immune cells in the brain and pivotal contributors to neuroinflammation during pathogenic or degenerative stress. Microglia exhibit a heterogeneous "dendrite-like" dense morphology that is subject to change depending on inflammatory status. Understanding the association between microglial morphology, reactivity, and neuropathology is key to informing treatment design in diverse neurodegenerative conditions from inherited encephalopathies to traumatic brain injuries. However, existing protocols for microglial morphology analyses lack standardization and are too complex and time-consuming for widescale adoption. Here, we describe a customized pipeline to quantitatively assess intricate microglial architecture in three dimensions under various conditions. This user-friendly workflow, comprising standard immunofluorescence staining, built-in functions of standard microscopy image analysis software, and custom Python scripts for data analysis, allows the measurement of important morphological parameters such as soma and dendrite volumes and branching levels for users of all skill levels. Overall, this protocol aims to simplify the quantification of the continuum of microglial pathogenic morphologies in biological and pharmacological studies, toward standardization of microglial morphometrics and improved inter-study comparability.

0 Q&A 231 Views Feb 20, 2025

The circadian clock regulates biochemical and physiological processes to anticipate changes in light, temperature, and food availability over 24 h. Natural or artificial changes in white/blue lighting exposure (e.g., seasonal changes, jet lag, or shift work) can advance or delay the clock phase to synchronize physiology with the new environmental conditions. These changes can be monitored through behavioral experiments in circadian research based on the analysis of locomotor activity by measuring wheel-running revolutions. The protocol includes measuring the internal period length in constant darkness and administering nocturnal light pulses to mice kept either in light/dark conditions (LD 12:12, Aschoff-type II protocol) or continuous darkness (DD, Aschoff-type I). Here, we describe a step-by-step guide for researchers to analyze the mouse circadian clock using wheel-running experiments and ClockLab (Actimetrics) to quantify data.

0 Q&A 159 Views Feb 5, 2025

Calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) and kainate receptors (CP-KARs) play crucial roles in synaptic plasticity and are implicated in various neurological processes. Current methods for identifying neurons expressing these receptors, such as electrophysiological recordings and immunostaining, have limitations in throughput or inability to distinguish functional receptors. This protocol describes a novel approach for the vital identification of neurons containing CP-AMPARs and CP-KARs using calcium imaging. The method involves loading neurons with Fura-2 AM, a calcium-sensitive fluorescent probe, KCl application to identify all neurons, and further addition of specific AMPAR agonists (e.g., 5-fluorowillardiine) in the presence of voltage-gated calcium channel blockers and NMDAR/KAR antagonists to identify CP-AMPAR-containing neurons. CP-KAR-containing neurons are identified using domoic acid applications in the presence and absence of NASPM (a CP-AMPAR antagonist). This technique offers several advantages over existing methods, including the ability to assess large neuronal populations simultaneously, distinguish between different receptor types, and provide functional information about CP-AMPAR and CP-KAR expression in living neurons, making it a valuable tool for studying synaptic plasticity and neurological disorders.

0 Q&A 171 Views Feb 5, 2025

Analysis of mitochondrial function has broad applicability in many research specialties. Neurodegenerative disorders such as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) often exhibit damaged mitochondria or reduced mitochondrial respiratory capacity. Isolation of intact mitochondria for protein analysis or respiration measurements has been previously reported in numerous model organisms. Here, we describe an adaptation of previous protocols to isolate intact functional mitochondria from Drosophila melanogaster for use in a model of CIPN. Whole Drosophila are ground in isolation buffer, and mitochondria are purified using differential centrifugation through a sucrose and mannitol solution. The intact mitochondria are plated as a monolayer for measurements of mitochondrial oxygen consumption rates and response to inhibitor compounds on an Agilent Seahorse analyzer. This experimental protocol is quick and yields a purified population of intact mitochondria that may be used for functional assays for several hours after isolation. The isolated mitochondria may be used for respiration measurements, which reflect their health, and stored for protein or genetic analysis. Mitochondrial populations from multiple strains or treatment groups can be easily compared simultaneously. The rapid biochemical assessment of mitochondria, in combination with the utility of Drosophila as an in vivo genetic model system, offers great potential for researchers to probe the impact of genetics and pharmacologic interventions on mitochondrial respiratory capacity.

0 Q&A 161 Views Feb 5, 2025

Amylin is an amyloidogenic neuroendocrine hormone co-synthesized and co-secreted with insulin from the pancreas. It readily crosses the blood–brain barrier and synergistically forms mixed amyloid plaques with β-amyloid (Aβ) in brain parenchyma. Parenchymal amylin-Aβ plaques are found in both sporadic and early-onset familial Alzheimer’s disease (AD), yet their (patho)physiological role remains elusive, particularly due to a lack of detection modalities for these mixed plaques. Previously, we developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) capable of detecting amylin-Aβ hetero-oligomers in brain lysate and blood using a polyclonal anti-amylin antibody to capture hetero-oligomers and a monoclonal anti-Aβ mid-domain detection antibody combination. This combination allows for the recognition of distinct amylin epitopes, which remain accessible after amylin-Aβ oligomerization has begun, and precise detection of Aβ epitopes available after oligomer formation. The utility of this assay is evidenced in our previous report, wherein differences in hetero-oligomer content in brain tissue from patients with and without AD and patients with and without diabetes were distinguished. Additionally, using AD model rats, we provided evidence that our assay can be employed for the detection of amylin-Aβ in blood. This assay and protocol are important innovations in the field of AD research because they meet an unmet need to detect mixed amyloid plaques that, if targeted therapeutically, could reduce AD progression and severity.

0 Q&A 273 Views Feb 5, 2025

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a highly valuable technique in the fluorescence microscopy toolbox because it is essentially independent of indicator concentrations. Conventional fluorescence microscopy analyzes changes in emission intensity. In contrast, FLIM assesses the fluorescence lifetime, which is defined as the time a fluorophore remains in an excited state before emitting a photon. This principle is advantageous in experiments where fluorophore concentrations are expected to change, e.g., due to changes in cell volume. FLIM, however, requires collecting a substantial number of photons to accurately fit distribution plots, which constrains its ability for dynamic imaging. This limitation has recently been overcome by rapidFLIM, which utilizes ultra-low dead-time photodetectors in conjunction with sophisticated rapid electronics. The resulting reduction in dead-time to the picosecond range greatly enhances the potential for achieving high spatio-temporal resolution. Here, we demonstrate the use of multi-photon-based rapidFLIM with the sodium indicator ION NaTRIUM Green-2 (ING-2) for the quantitative, dynamic determination of Na+ concentrations in neurons in acute rodent brain tissue slices. We describe the loading of the dye into neurons and present a procedure for its calibration in situ. We show that rapidFLIM not only allows the unbiased determination of baseline Na+ concentrations but also allows dynamic imaging of changes in intracellular Na+, e.g., induced by inhibition of cellular ATP production. Overall, rapidFLIM, with its greatly improved signal-to-noise ratio and higher spatio-temporal resolution, will also facilitate dynamic measurements using other FLIM probes, particularly those with a low quantum yield.