

0 Q&A 6652 Views Apr 5, 2020
Metastasis accounts for the majority of cancer related deaths. The genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models and cell line-based subcutaneous and orthotopic mouse xenografts have been developed to study the metastatic process. By using lung cancer cell line A549 as an example, we present a modified protocol to establish the cell line-based xenograft. Our protocol ensures sufficient establishment of the mouse xenografts and allows us to monitor tumor growth and spontaneous metastasis. This protocol could be adapted to other types of established cancer cell lines or primary cancer cells to study the mechanism of metastatic process as well as to test the effect of the potential anti-cancer agents on tumor growth and metastatic capacity.
1 Q&A 18777 Views Feb 20, 2017
Platelets and coagulation have long been known to be essential for metastasis in experimental models. In order to study the interactions between tumor cells, platelets and endothelium, we have adapted methods used in coagulation research for the isolation of platelets and their reintroduction into mice. Anti-coagulated murine blood served as the source for platelets. Platelets were separated from other elements of the whole blood by centrifugation. Here the critical elements are first inhibition of coagulation and second isolation and maintenance of the platelets in the presence of inhibitors of platelet activation. We then used the vital dye PKH26 to fluorescently label the platelets. Infusion of these labelled platelets allows microscopic observation of the introduced platelets. After reintroduction, these platelets appear to function normally and comprise approximately 50% of the total platelets. Because they are fluorescently labelled, they can easily be identified. Finally it would be possible to use these methods for the determination of specific effects of altered gene expression in platelets by using platelets from genetically engineered mice. These methods have facilitated study of the interactions between platelets and tumor cells in tissue culture and in murine models. They would also be applicable to video microscopy. Here we provide details of the methods we have used for platelet isolation from mice and their staining for further microscopy and re-introduction into mice.
0 Q&A 8013 Views May 5, 2014
Metastasis depends on a gene program expressed by the tumor microenvironment upon TGF-beta stimulation. CRC (Colorectal cancer) cell lines did not induce robust stromal TGF-beta responses when injected into nude mice as shown by lack of p-SMAD2 accumulation in tumor-associated stromal cells. To enforce high TGF-beta signaling in xenografts, we engineered CRC cell lines to secrete active TGF-beta. Subcutaneous tumors obtained from HT29-M6TGF-β, KM12L4aTGF-β cells and SW48TGF-β cells contained abundant p-SMAD2+ stromal cells.