

0 Q&A 4868 Views Nov 5, 2019
Advances in fluorescence microscopy (FM), electron microscopy (EM), and correlative light and EM (CLEM) offer unprecedented opportunities for studying diverse proteins and nanostructures involved in fundamental cell biology. It is now possible to visualize and quantify the spatial organization of cellular proteins and other macromolecules by FM, EM, and CLEM. However, tagging and tracking cellular proteins across size scales is restricted by the scarcity of methods for attaching appropriate reporter chemistries to target proteins. Namely, there are few genetic tags compatible with EM. To overcome these issues we developed Versatile Interacting Peptide (VIP) tags, genetically-encoded peptide tags that can be used to image proteins by fluorescence and EM. VIPER, a VIP tag, can be used to label cellular proteins with bright, photo-stable fluorophores for FM or electron-dense nanoparticles for EM. In this Bio-Protocol, we provide an instructional guide for implementing VIPER for imaging a cell-surface receptor by CLEM. This protocol is complemented by two other Bio-Protocols outlining the use of VIPER (Doh et al., 2019a and 2019b).
0 Q&A 4353 Views Nov 5, 2019
Genetically-encoded tags are useful tools for multicolor and multi-scale cellular imaging. Versatile Interacting Peptide (VIP) tags, such as VIPER, are new genetically-encoded tags that can be used in various imaging applications. VIP tags consist of a coiled-coil heterodimer, with one peptide serving as the genetic tag and the other (“probe peptide”) delivering a reporter compatible with imaging. Heterodimer formation is rapid and specific, allowing proteins to be selectively labeled for live-cell and fixed-cell imaging. In this Bio-Protocol, we include a detailed guide for implementing the VIPER technology for imaging receptors on live cells and intracellular targets in fixed cells. This protocol is complemented by two other Bio-Protocols outlining the use of VIPER (Doh et al., 2019a and 2019b).
0 Q&A 4277 Views Nov 5, 2019
Versatile Interacting Peptide (VIP) tags are a new class of genetically-encoded tag designed for imaging cellular proteins by fluorescence and electron microscopy. In 2018, we reported the VIPER tag (Doh et al., 2018), which contains two elements: a genetically-encoded peptide tag (i.e., CoilE) and a probe peptide (i.e., CoilR). These two peptides deliver contrast to a protein of interest by forming a specific, high-affinity heterodimer. The probe peptide was designed with a single cysteine residue for site-specific modification via thiol-maleimide chemistry. This feature can be used to attach a variety of biophysical reporters to the peptide, including bright fluorophores for fluorescence microscopy or electron-dense nanoparticles for electron microscopy. In this Bio-Protocol, we describe our methods for expressing and purifying recombinant CoilR. Additionally, we describe protocols for making fluorescent or biotinylated probe peptides for labeling CoilE-tagged cellular proteins. This protocol is complemented by two other Bio-Protocols outlining the use of VIPER (Doh et al., 2019a and 2019b).