Doc. rer. nat., FSU, IMPRS Jena, DE, 2012
Current position
Project Group Leader, MPICE Jena, DE (07/2012-present)
Hettenhausen, C., Schuman, M. C. and Wu, J. (2014). MAPK signaling: A key element in plant defense response to insects. Insect Sci. (Epub ahead of print)
Kallenbach, M., Oh, Y., Eilers, E. J., Veit, D., Baldwin, I. T. and Schuman, M. C. (2014). A robust, simple, high-throughput technique for time-resolved plant volatile analysis in field experiments. Plant J 78(6): 1060-1072.
Mithöfer, A. and Schuman, M. C. (2014). Subtile verteidigungsstrategien in pflanzen. Biologie in Unserer Zeit 44(1): 26-32.
Schuman, M. C., Palmer-Young, E. C., Schmidt, A., Gershenzon, J. and Baldwin, I. T. (2014). Ectopic terpene synthase expression enhances sesquiterpene emission in Nicotiana attenuata without altering defense or development of transgenic plants or neighbors. Plant Physiol 166(2): 779-797.
Galis, I., Schuman, M. C., Gase, K., Hettenhausen, C., Hartl, M., Dinh, S. T., Wu, J., Bonaventure, G. and Baldwin, I. T. (2013). The use of VIGS technology to study plant-herbivore interactions. Methods Mol Biol 975: 109-137.
Schuman, M. C., Kessler, D. and Baldwin, I. T. (2013). Ecological observations of native and populations in the great basin desert of southwestern utah. Psyche (Camb Mass) 2013: 465108.
Jassbi, A. R., Asadollahi, M., Masroor, M., Schuman, M. C., Mehdizadeh, Z., Soleimani, M. and Miri, R. (2012). Chemical classification of the essential oils of the Iranian Salvia species in comparison with their botanical taxonomy. Chem Biodivers 9(7): 1254-1271.
Schuman, M. and Baldwin, I. T. (2012). Asking the ecosystem if herbivory-inducible plant volatiles (HIPVs) have defensive functions. In: Iason, G., Dicke, M. and Hartley, S. (eds). The ecology of plant secondary metabolites: genes to global processes. Cambridge University Press, 287-307.
Schuman, M. C., Barthel, K. and Baldwin, I. T. (2012). Herbivory-induced volatiles function as defenses increasing fitness of the native plant Nicotiana attenuata in nature. Elife 1: e00007.
Heiling, S., Schuman, M. C., Schoettner, M., Mukerjee, P., Berger, B., Schneider, B., Jassbi, A. R. and Baldwin, I. T. (2010). Jasmonate and ppHsystemin regulate key Malonylation steps in the biosynthesis of 17-Hydroxygeranyllinalool Diterpene Glycosides, an abundant and effective direct defense against herbivores in Nicotiana attenuata. Plant Cell 22(1): 273-292.
Schuman, M. C., Heinzel, N., Gaquerel, E., Svatos, A. and Baldwin, I. T. (2009). Polymorphism in jasmonate signaling partially accounts for the variety of volatiles produced by Nicotiana attenuata plants in a native population. New Phytol 183(4): 1134-1148.
Steppuhn, A., Schuman, M. C. and Baldwin, I. T. (2008). Silencing jasmonate signalling and jasmonate-mediated defences reveals different survival strategies between two Nicotiana attenuata accessions. Mol Ecol 17(16): 3717-3732.
Wu, J., Hettenhausen, C., Schuman, M. C. and Baldwin, I. T. (2008). A comparison of two Nicotiana attenuata accessions reveals large differences in signaling induced by oral secretions of the specialist herbivore Manduca sexta. Plant Physiol 146(3): 927-939.