Rabindra Kumar Sinha
  • Department of Botany, Tripura University, India
  • Plant science


Ph.D. in Botany, University of Calcutta, India, 1991

Current position

Professor of Botany, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar-799-022, Tripura, India


  1. Saha, K., Sinha, R. K., Basak, S. and Sinha, S. (2016). ISSR Fingerprinting to Ascertain the Ge-netic Relationship of Curcuma sp. of Tripura. American Journal of Plant Sciences 7(02): 259.
  2. Dey, J. and Sinha, R. K. (2015). Carbon and nitrogen metabolites in some eth-no-botanical weed legumes of Tripura during their seasonal maturity of growth. Annals of Bio-logical Research 6(2): pp.1-3.
  3. Ghadge, A. G., Karmakar, K., Devani, R. S., Banerjee, J., Mohanasundaram, B., Sinha, R. K., Sinha, S. and Banerjee, A. K. (2014). Flower development, pollen fertility and sex expression analyses of three sexual phenotypes of Coccinia grandis. BMC Plant Biol 14: 325.
  4. Guha, A., Sinha, R. K. and Sinha, S. (2014). Karyotype and Sex Expression in Coccinia indica, a Dioecious Cucurbit. Advances in Biological Research 8(6): 244-248.
  5. Lodh, D. and Sinha, R. K. (2013). Cytotoxicity of seed kernel water extract of Caesalpinia bonduc (L) roxb. on root meristem cells of Allium cepa L. The Bioscan 8(3): 1103-1105.
  6. Karmakar, K., Sinha, R. K. and Sinha, S. (2013). Karyological and electrophoretic distinction be-tween sexes of Trichosanthes bracteata.
  7. Karmakar, K., Sinha, R. K. and Sinha, S. (2013). Electrophoretic Distinction Between Sexes of Hodgsonia macrocarpa. Advances in Biological Research 7(3): 77-80.
  8. Das, M., Mahadani, P., Singh, R., Karmakar, K. and Ghosh, S. (2013). MATK Sequence Based Plant DNA Barcoding Failed to Identify Bambusa (Family: Poaceae) Species from Northeast In-dia. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 10(1): 49-54.
  9. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. K. (2010). Chromosome Number and Karyotype Analysis of Wild Guava Psidium guineense Sw.-a New Report from Tripura, India. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3(8): 925-927.
  10. Chakraborti, S. and Sinha, R. (2010). Karyomorphology of Bambusa balcooa Roxb.-a new report from Tripura, India. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan 9(1/2): 79-83.
  11. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, R. K. and Sinha, S. (2009). Karyomorphology of Caesalpinia bon-duc (L.) Roxb. (Caesalpiniaceae). J Cytol Genet 11 (NS): 75-80.
  12. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, R. and Sinha, S. (2007). Parkia javanica Lamk. of Mimosaceae a less known pod vegetable and its socio-economic relevance in Tripura. Journal of Phytological Re-search 20(1): 111-114.
  13. Sinha, R., Chakraborti, S., Dey, B. and Roy, M. (2007). Terrace cultivation of tissue culture raised Dwarf Cavendish banana at different elevations in a hill side region of Tripura. Journal of Phyto-logical Research 20(2): 175-178.
  14. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. K. (2007). Biochemical and electrophoretic distinction be-tween Psidium guineense Sw. and P. guajava L. of the family Myrtaceae. Ind J Forestry 30 (3): 367-370.
  15. Chakraborti, S., Guha, A., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. K. (2006). Karyomorphology of Houttuynia cor-data Thunb. J Cytol Genet 7. NS: 43-46.
  16. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. K. (2006). High-frequency induction of multiple shoots and clonal propagation from rhizomatous nodal segments of Houttuynia cordata Thunb.—an ethnomedicinal herb of India. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 42(5): 394-398.
  17. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. (2005). Psidium guineense Swartz.(Myrtaceae)-an endem-ic threatened species of Tripura, India. Journal of Phytological Research 18(2): 209-210.
  18. Chakraborti, S., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. K. (2004). Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.-a promising ethno-medicinal species of Tripura. J Natn Bot Soc 58: 11-15.
  19. Sinha, R., Majumdar, K. and Sinha, S. (2000). Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from leaf explants of Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn.: a soapnut tree. Current Science 78(5): 620-623.
  20. Majumdar, K., Sinha, S. and Sinha, R. (2000). Comparative Karyological and Biochemical Stud-ies of Albizzia procera Benth. and A. chinensis (Orb.) Merr. Cytologia 65(2): 135-139.
  21. Sinha, R., Majumdar, K. and Sinha, S. (2000). In vitro differentiation and plant regeneration of Al-bizia chinesis (Osb.) Merr. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 36(5): 370-373.