Hematopoieitc stem cell, Vascular biology, endothelial cell, mesencymal stem cell,
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=v6tdHyoAAAAJ&hl=enKumar A, D’Souza SS and Thakur AS. Understanding the journey of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development. Stem Cells Int. 2019 May 6.
Kumar A, Lee JH, Suknuntha K, D'Souza SS, Thakur AS, Slukvin II. NOTCH Activation at the Hematovascular Mesoderm Stage Facilitates Efficient Generation of T Cells with High Proliferation Potential from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. J Immunol. 2018 Dec 21.
Kumar A, Slukvin II. The mesenchymoangioblast, mesodermal precursor for mesenchymal and endothelial cells. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2018 Jul 10.
Park MA, Kumar A, Jung HS, Ueneshi G, Swanson S, Moskvin O, Thomson J and Slukvin I. Activation of Arterial Program Drives Development of Definitive Hemogenic Endothelium with Lymphoid Potential. Cell reports. 2018 May 22:23(8):2467-2481.
Ueneshi G, Jung HS, Kumar A, Park MA, Hadland B, McLeod E, Raymond M, Moskvin O, Swanson S, Tamplin O, Zon L, Thomson J, Bernstein I and Slukvin I. NOTCH Signaling Specifies Arterial-Type Definitive Hemogenic Endothelium from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Nature Commun. 2018 May 8:9(1):1828.
D’Souza SS, Kumar A and Slukvin I. Functional heterogeneity of endothelial cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells and Development. 2018 April 15;27(8):524-533.
Suknuntha K, Tao L, Brok-Volchanskaya V, D'Souza SS, Kumar A, Slukvin I. Optimization of Synthetic mRNA for Highly Efficient Translation and its Application in the Generation of Endothelial and Hematopoietic Cells from Human and Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rev. 2018 Aug;14(4):525-534.
Kumar A, D’Souza SS, Moskvin OV, Toh H, Wang B, Zhang J, Swanson S, Guo LW, Thomson J and Slukvin I. Specification and Diversification of Pericytes and Smooth Muscle Cells from Mesenchymoangioblasts. Cell Reports. 2017 May 30; 19(9): 1902-1916.
Jung HS, Uenishi G, Kumar A, Park MA, Raymond M, Fink D, McLeod E, Slukvin I. A human VE-cadherin-tdTomato and CD43-green fluorescent protein dual reporter cell line for study endothelial to hematopoietic transition. Stem Cell Res. 2016 Sep; 17(2):401-405.
D’Souza SS, Maufort J, Kumar A, Zhang J, Smuga-Otto K, Thomson JA and Slukvin I. GSK3β Inhibition Promotes Efficient Myeloid and Lymphoid Hematopoiesis from Non-human Primate-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports. 2016 Feb 9;6(2):243-56.
Uenishi G, Theisen D, Lee JH, Kumar A, Raymond M, Vodyanik M, Swanson S, Stewart R, Thomson J, Slukvin I. Tenascin C promotes hematoendothelial development and T lymphoid commitment from human pluripotent stem cells in chemically defined conditions. Stem Cell Reports. 2014 Dec 9;3(6):1073-84.
Elcheva I, Brok-Volchanskaya V, Kumar A, Liu P, Lee JH, Tong L, Vodyanik M, Swanson S, Stewart R, Kyba M, Yakubov E, Cooke J, Thomson JA, Slukvin I. Direct induction of haematoendothelial programs in human pluripotent stem cells by transcriptional regulators. Nat Commun. 2014 Jul 14; 5:4372.
Choi KD, Vodyanik MA, Togarrati PP, Suknuntha K, Kumar A, Samarjeet F, Probasco MD, Tian S, Stewart R, Thomson RA, Slukvin I. Identification of the hemogenic endothelial progenitor and its direct precursor in human pluripotent stem cell differentiation cultures. Cell reports. 2012; 2(3): 553-67.
Nagaraj SM, Lingaraj SM, Balaraju Y, Kumar A, Salimath BP. MTA1 induced angiogenesis, migration and tumor growth is inhibited by Glycyrrhiza glabra. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy. 2012; 2(4): 34-43.
Kumar A, Salimath BP, Schieker M, Stark GB, Finkenzeller G. Inhibition of metastasis-associated gene 1 expression affects proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Proliferation. 2011; 44(2): 128-38.
Kumar A, Salimath BP, Stark GB, Finkenzeller G. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling is not involved in osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Eng PartA. 2010; 16(3):983-93
Kumar A, D’Souza SS, Nagaraj SR, Gaonkar SL, Salimath BP, Rai KM. Antiangiogenic and antiproliferative effects of substituted-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole derivatives is mediated by down regulation of VEGF and inhibition of translocation of HIF-1α in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2009 Nov; 64(6):1221-33.
Kumar A, D’Souza S, Tickoo S, Salimath BP, Singh HB. Antiangiogenic and proapoptotic activities of allyl isothiocyanate inhibit ascites tumor growth in vivo. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 2009 Mar; 8(1):75-87.
Kumar A, D’Souza SS, Gaonkar SL, Rai KM, Salimath BP. Growth inhibition and induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells by a new series of substituted-1, 3, 4- oxadiazole derivatives. Investigational New Drugs. 2008 Oct; 26(5):425-35.