Feth el Zahar Haichar
  • UMR CNR 5557, Laboratoire d’Ecologie Microbienne, UMR INRA 1418, Univ Lyon, UMR CNR 5557, Laboratoire d’Ecologie Microbienne, UMR INRA 1418, Univ Lyon, France, France,
  • Plant science


PhD Microbial Ecology, Aix Marseille II, France, 2008

Current position

Lecturer, Microbial Ecology laboratory, Université Lyon 1, France


  1. Achouak, W., Abrouk, D., Guyonnet, JP., Barakat, M., Ortet, P., Simon, L., Lerondelle, C., Heulin, T and Haichar, F.Z. (2019). Plant hosts control microbial denitrification activity. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, in press. [IF 3,53]. 2018 
  2. Lecomte, S., Achouak, W., Danis, A., Heulin, T., Nesme, X and Haichar, F.Z. (2018) Diversifying Anaerobic Respiration Strategies to Compete in the Rhizosphere. Frontiers Environmental Science- Soil Processes (Invitation), in press.
  3. Guyonnet, JP., Guillemet, M., Dubost, A., Simon, L., Ortet, P., Barrakat, M., Heulin, T., Achouak, W & Haichar, F.Z. (2018) Plant nutrient resource use strategies shape active rhizosphere microbiota through root exudation. Frontiers in Plant Science, in press. [IF 3,678]. 
  4. Hugoni, M., Luis P., Guyonnet, JP & Haichar, FZ. (2018) Plant host habitat and root exudates shape fungal diversity. Mycorrhiza, « Special issue Mycorrhizal Microbiomes », 1-13. DOI : 10.1007/s00572-018-0857-5. [IF 3,047]. 
  5. Guyonnet, JP., Cantarel, A., Simon, L & Haichar, FZ. (2018) Root exudation rate as a functional trait involved in plant nutrient-use strategy classification. Ecology and Evolution, 1-9. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4383. [IF 2,44]. 2017 
  6. Haichar F.Z and Achouak W. (2018) Newly introduced or modified genes in plants potentially modulate the host microbiome. Springer, in press 
  7. Achouak, W and Haichar F.Z. (2018) Stable isotope probing of microbiota structure and function in plant rhizosphere. Methods in Molecular Biology, in press
  8. Guyonnet, JP., Vautrin, F., Meiffren, G., Labois, C., Cantarel, A., Michalet, S., Comte, G & Haichar, FZ. (2017b) The effects of plant nutritional strategy on soil microbial denitrification activity through rhizosphere primary metabolites. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 93 (4): fix022. [IF 3,53]. 
  9. Bardon, C., Poly, F., Haichar, F.Z., Le Roux, X., Simon, L., Meiffren, G., Comte, G., Rouifed, S., & Piola, F. (2017a) Biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) with procyanidins induce modification of root traits, growth and N status in Fallopia x bohemica. Soil Biology & Biochemestry, in press. [IF 4,152]. 2016 
  10. Haichar, F.Z., Heulin, T., Guyonnet, J.P., Achouak, W. (2016c) Stable isotope probing of carbon flow in the plant holobiont. Curr Opin Biotech, 41:9-13. [IF 9,294] 
  11. Bardon, C., Poly, F., Piola, F., M. Pancton., Comte, G., Meiffren, G., Haichar, F.Z (2016b) Mechanism of biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) : procyanidins induce an allosteric transition of the membrane-bound NO3-reductase through membrane alteration. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 18, 644-655. [IF 3,53]
  12. Bardon, C., Piola, F., Haichar, F.Z., Meiffren, G., Comte, G., Missery, B., Balby, M., Poly, F (2016a) Identification of B-type procyanidins in Fallopia spp. involved in biological denitrification inhibition (BDI). Environ Microbiol, 18:644-55. [IF 6,201] 2015 
  13. Denis, F., Bonin, P., Duran, R., the Microbial Ecology EC2CO consortium [...] ., F.Z. Haichar… etc. (2015b). Environmental microbiology as a mosaic of explored ecosystems and issues. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 22:13577-13598. [IF 2,741] 
  14. Bardon, C., Poly, F Piola, F., Haichar, F.Z., Comte, G (2015a). Utilisation de proanthocyanidines pour lutter contre la dénitrification. Dépôt de brevet N°1552258, 19 Mars. 
  15. Harfouche, L., Haichar, F.Z., & Achouak, W. (2015). Small regulatory RNAs and the fine-tuning of plant-bacteria interactions. New phytologist, 206:98-106. [IF 7,7672] 2014 
  16. Haichar, F.Z., Santaella, C., Heulin, T., Achouak, W. (2014) Root exudates mediated interactions belowground. Soil Biology & Biochemestry, 77: 69-80. [IF 4,410] 
  17. Bardon, C., Piola, F., Bellvert, F., Haichar, F.Z., Comte, G., Meiffren, G., Pommier, T, Puijalon, S., Tsafack, N., Poly, F (2014) Evidence for biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) by plant secondary metabolites. New phytologist, 204:620-30. [IF 7,7672] 2013 
  18. Haichar, F.Z, Fochesato, S and Achouak, W (2013) Host Plant Specific Control of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol Production in the Rhizosphere. Agronomy, 3: 621-631. [IF 1,52] 2012 
  19. Achouak, W. and Haichar, F.Z. (2013) Shaping of Microbial Community Structure and Function in the Rhizosphere by Four Diverse Plant Species, in Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere: Volume 1 & 2 (ed F. J. de Bruijn), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. DOI: 10.1002/9781118297674.ch15.
  20. Sonnleitner, E, Valentini, M, Wenner, N, Haichar, F.Z, Haas, D, Lapouge, K. (2012). Novel targets of the CbrAB/Crc carbon catabolite control system revealed by transcript abundance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS One, 10: e44637. [IF 3,73] 
  21. Haichar, F.Z, Roncato, MA, Achouak, W. (2012). Stable isotope probing of bacterial community structure and gene expression in the rhizosphere of Arabidopsis thaliana. FEMS Microbial Ecol, 81:291-302. [IF 3,53] 2009
  22. Haichar, F.Z & Achouak, W. (2010). Application of stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) in the identification of cellulolytic soil bacteria and fungi. In Cellulose Structure and Proprieties, Derivatives and Industrial Uses, Editors: Arnaud Lejeune & Thibaut Deprez, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, ISBN: 978-1-60876-388-7, pp 355-368.   
  23. Bressan, M, Roncato, MA, Bellvert, F, Comte, G, Haichar, F.Z, Achouak, W, Berge, O. (2009). Exogenous glucosinolate produced by Arabidopsis thaliana has an impact on microbes in the rhizosphere and plant roots. ISME J, 3: 1243-1257. [IF 9,267] 2008 
  24. Haichar, F.Z, Marol, C, Berge, O, Rangel-Castro, J. I., Prosser, J., Balesdent, J., Heulin, T., Achouak, W. (2008). Plant host habitat and root exudates shape soil bacterial community structure. ISME J, 2: 1221-1230. [IF 9,267] 
  25. Darcheville, O, Fevrier, L, Haichar, F.Z, et al. (2008). Aqueous, solid and gaseous partitioning of selenium in an oxic sandy soil under different microbiological states. J Environ Radioactiv, 99: 981-992. [IF 2,119] 2007 
  26. Bernard, L., Mougel, C., Maron, P.A., Nowak, V., Leveque, J., Henault, C., Haichar, F.Z et al. (2007). Dynamics and identification of soil microbial populations actively assimilating carbon from 13C-labelled wheat residue as estimated by DNA- and RNA-SIP techniques. Environ Microbiol, 9: 752-64. [IF 6,24] 
  27. Haichar, F.Z., Achouak, W., Christen, R., Heulin, T., Marol, C., Marais, MF., Mougel, C., Ranjard, L., Balesdent, J., and Berge, O. (2007). Identification of cellulolytic bacteria in soil by stable isotope probing. Environ Microbiol, 9: 625-34. [IF 6,24] 
  28. Berge, O., Balesdent, J., Haichar, F.Z., Marol, C., Achouak, W. (2006) Root exudate-consuming microbial community structure by DNA stable isotope probing. In : Luster, J., Finlay, R. (eds) Handbook of methods used in rhizosphere research. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. XXX-XYZ.  
  29. Balesdent, J., Haichar, F.Z., et Berge, O. (2006) Couplages isotopes stables outils mol