Current position
CNRS Director of Research at the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique in Paris, France. His research focuses on RNA metabolism and gene regulation in Gram positive bacteria
Taverniti, V., Forti, F., Ghisotti, D. and Putzer, H. (2011). Mycobacterium smegmatis RNase J is a 5'-3' exo-/endoribonuclease and both RNase J and RNase E are involved in ribosomal RNA maturation. Mol Microbiol 82(5): 1260-1276.
Laalami, S. and Putzer, H. (2011). mRNA degradation and maturation in prokaryotes: the global players. Biomolecular Concepts 2(6): 491-506.
Bruscella, P., Shahbabian, K., Laalami, S. and Putzer, H. (2011). RNase Y is responsible for uncoupling the expression of translation factor IF3 from that of the ribosomal proteins L35 and L20 in Bacillus subtilis. Mol Microbiol 81(6): 1526-1541.
Dorleans, A., Li de la Sierra-Gallay, I., Piton, J., Zig, L., Gilet, L., Putzer, H. and Condon, C. (2011). Molecular basis for the recognition and cleavage of RNA by the bifunctional 5'-3' exo/endoribonuclease RNase J. Structure 19(9): 1252-1261.
Hamze, K., Autret, S., Hinc, K., Laalami, S., Julkowska, D., Briandet, R., Renault, M., Absalon, C., Holland, I. B., Putzer, H. and Seror, S. J. (2011). Single-cell analysis in situ in a Bacillus subtilis swarming community identifies distinct spatially separated subpopulations differentially expressing hag (flagellin), including specialized swarmers. Microbiology 157(Pt 9): 2456-2469.
Brill, J., Hoffmann, T., Putzer, H. and Bremer, E. (2011). T-box-mediated control of the anabolic proline biosynthetic genes of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology 157(Pt 4): 977-987.
Mathy, N., Hebert, A., Mervelet, P., Benard, L., Dorleans, A., Li de la Sierra-Gallay, I., Noirot, P., Putzer, H. and Condon, C. (2010). Bacillus subtilis ribonucleases J1 and J2 form a complex with altered enzyme behaviour. Mol Microbiol 75(2): 489-498.
Shahbabian, K., Jamalli, A., Zig, L. and Putzer, H. (2009). RNase Y, a novel endoribonuclease, initiates riboswitch turnover in Bacillus subtilis. EMBO J 28(22): 3523-3533.
Andre, G., Even, S., Putzer, H., Burguiere, P., Croux, C., Danchin, A., Martin-Verstraete, I. and Soutourina, O. (2008). S-box and T-box riboswitches and antisense RNA control a sulfur metabolic operon of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Nucleic Acids Res 36(18): 5955-5969.
Mader, U., Zig, L., Kretschmer, J., Homuth, G. and Putzer, H. (2008). mRNA processing by RNases J1 and J2 affects Bacillus subtilis gene expression on a global scale. Mol Microbiol 70(1): 183-196.
Li de la Sierra-Gallay, I., Zig, L., Jamalli, A. and Putzer, H. (2008). Structural insights into the dual activity of RNase J. Nat Struct Mol Biol 15(2): 206-212.
Choonee, N., Even, S., Zig, L. and Putzer, H. (2007). Ribosomal protein L20 controls expression of the Bacillus subtilis infC operon via a transcription attenuation mechanism. Nucleic Acids Res 35(5): 1578-1588.
Seliverstov, A. V., Putzer, H., Gelfand, M. S. and Lyubetsky, V. A. (2005). Comparative analysis of RNA regulatory elements of amino acid metabolism genes in Actinobacteria. BMC Microbiol 5: 54.