

31 实验方案

华中农业大学柑橘种质资源研究与遗传改良团队,以中国工程院院士邓秀新教授为带头人;本团队由25人组成,其中教授15人,18人在50岁以下,23人具有博士学位;本团队有中国工程院院士1人,教育部长江学者特聘教授2人,国家杰出青年基金获得者2人,国家万人计划科技创新领军人才4人。本团队先后入选湖北省创新群体和教育部创新团队, ...

Utz lab

5 实验方案 | Stanford University | 免疫学

The Utz lab is part of the Department of Medicine, Division of Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine. We focus on the normal immune system and ho ...


4 实验方案 | State Key Laboratory of Membrane Biology, Peking University, China

本研究组专注于研究细胞分泌调控糖、脂代谢的功能及机理。细胞分泌是生物学中最基础的问题之一,对其分子机理的研究多次获得诺贝尔奖,包括2013年的生理及医学奖。糖脂代谢则与我国、世界的重大疾病——糖尿病、心脑血管疾病休戚相关。糖脂代谢依赖细胞分泌来实现全身稳态平衡,而多个分泌因子也已成为治疗代谢疾病的优异药物靶点,充分体现 ...


3 实验方案 | Institute of Molecular Medicine, Peking University | 系统生物学

分子医学所代谢组学平台于2017年5月正式建立,现有Waters Synapt G2-Si高分辨淌度质谱和三重四级杆质谱,具备非靶向代谢组学,靶向代谢组学和代谢流的完整技术能力,有完善的定性定量代谢物检测全平台。目前集中于能量代谢,脂代谢,DNA修饰和氨基酸代谢检测方面提供方法开发和检测服务。深度服务于分子医学所和生物 ...

Chaudhuri Group

6 实验方案 | Stanford University | Mechanobiology

We are interested in elucidating the complex mechanical properties of cells and the extracellular matrix, and in turn, investigating how these mechanical proper ...


7 实验方案 | Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science | 植物科学

Group of Plant-Fungal Interaction and Plant Reproductive Biology led by Prof. Weihua Tang is a member of National Lab of Plant Molecular Genetics at Shanghai In ...

Morrison Lab

4 实验方案 | Stanford University | 分子生物学

The regulation of chromatin structure is essential for all eukaryotic organisms. Our research interests are to determine the contribution of chromatin to m ...

Gitler Lab

1 实验方案 | Stanford University | Genetics

Protein folding is critically important for all life, from microbes to man. A bafflingly diverse set of cellular mechanisms has evolved to coordinate this exqui ...

Green Lab

8 实验方案 | Department of Biological Sciences, UMBC, US, US, | 微生物学

In the Green Lab, we are broadly interested in the fundamental molecular mechanisms governing the epigenetic regulation of the genome and its integration with c ...

D Levy Lab

5 实验方案 | Ben Gurion University of the Negev | 分子生物学

Biological systems respond to extracellular and intracellular signals in myriad ways by activating diverse signaling pathways. Reversible covalent post-translat ...