>>>Starting reading reads: 2024-3-29-8:23:33
Input error at line 1: The sequence "" is not in the right format for paired-end reads -- Fatal
Make sure your input is in the form (input sequences can be of variable lengths):
Where : separates paired reads. Spaces, <<.>> or any characters other than A,C,G or T in your input file might have caused this error, including reads with Ns.
Make sure your input is in the form (input sequences can be of variable lengths):这个错误,我用gzip -t的命令来测试两个fq.gz文件的完整性,发现都没有问题。
用zgrep -m 1 'N' your_fastq_file.fq.gz #检查序列有没有N,发现也没有。我的两个fq.gz都是通过cutadapt修剪等步骤得到的clean data。但还是出错,不知道老师您,是否有空,看看~
2024/3/29 8:42:14 回复