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郑茗芳 |  2022-11-23  | DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.v1114
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视频简介对小鼠脑切片进行免疫荧光染色和成像,是对特定基因的蛋白产物进行检测的常用方法,也常被应用于识别和标记脑组织中的不同细胞类型,是神经环路发育、连接和功能研究的必备技术之一。免疫荧光染色敏感性强、操作简单,但也存在染色后切片保存时间短、荧光强度随时间延长而逐渐变弱的问题[1]。 为延长保存时间,在免疫染色之后通常需要进行封片处理。封片是将切片封固保存于载玻片与盖玻片之间的操作,可使切片不与空气接触,防止其脱水、氧化;使用抗荧光淬灭封片剂还可减缓荧光淬灭,便于镜检观察及保存[2]。本视频详细介绍了小鼠脑组织切片的封片步骤,并针对实验中常见问题给出注意事项与解决方案。 (参考文献见附件)
  • 视频介绍





Mouse brain (小鼠脑);Immunofluorescence (免疫荧光);Vibratome section (振动切片)



本视频样品通过振动切片机(Leica VT1000S)制取,将固定后小鼠脑组织切为30μm冠状切片,并进行免疫荧光染色。



1) 1× PBS (配方见附录)

2) Triton X-100 (sigma,X100) (25%Triton X-100配方见附录)

3) 封片剂(SouthernBiotech0100-01;LERNER LABORATORIES,13800)

4) 无色透明指甲油(国产)


1) 培养皿

2) 48孔板(路斯特,23048) (孔径16mm,孔深17mm)

3)细毛笔(HWAHONG,345#1) (笔毛长6mm,直径1.2mm)

4) 载玻片(世态,80312-3161)

5) 盖玻片(世态,80340-3610;Fisher,12-548-B)

6) 20 μl移液枪(Eppendorf,3120000232)

7) 200 μl移液枪(Eppendorf,3120000259)

8) 无尘擦拭纸(Kimtech)


1) PBS配制


用分析天平称取表1中药品,添加800-900 ml去离子水,使用磁力搅拌器充分溶解(无任何固体),以去离子水定容至1 L并充分混匀、过滤。滤好的20×PBS可立即稀释使用;稀释得1×PBS pH=7.4。暂时不用的20×PBS分装后高压灭菌,储存于室温或4℃冰箱。

表1.配制1L 20× PBS的药品配比

2) 25%Triton配制

倾倒10 ml TritonX-100于50 ml离心管,加入30 ml去离子水或1×PBS,在旋转混匀仪上倒转混匀过夜。室温保存。



PART1 贴片Mounting

1. 在载玻片磨砂面(或白色涂料区域)写明切片信息,如实验日期、样品编号或信息(如基因型、年龄、给药情况等)、染色信息(如488Donkey@Mouse@PV、DAPI)、脑片厚度(如50μm)和玻片序号等。

Label the frosted (or white coated) end of microscopy slides with relevant information (e.g., Date; Mouse ID; Immunofluorescence staining information; Section thickness; Slide number).
2. 向培养皿中加入适量1×PBS(确保载玻片斜放于培养皿中时,能一半浸没于液面以下)。在PBS中加入微量(约10μl)25%Triton,以降低表面张力,辅助贴片。

Dump 1×PBS to a petri dish, ensuring approximately one-half area of the slide (applied in the next step) could be submerged in PBS. Lower the surface tension by addition of trace amount (approximately 10μl) of 25% surfactant Triton X-100.
3. 将载玻片斜放于培养皿。以PBS润湿载玻片。

Leave a microscopy slide half submerged by resting the labelled side at an angle on the edge of the petri dish. Rinse the slide with PBS.
4. 用细毛笔将脑片从48孔板转移到培养皿中,按顺序排布并使其吸附于载玻片上。

Use a fine-tip paintbrush to transfer brain sections from a 48 well plate to the petri dish and gently press them flat to the bottom. Mount serial slices onto the slide in the order they were sectioned.



For each section, first spread it flat on the slide under PBS. Hold the brush tip against one end of the sample and gently drag it out of solution.


Allow the brain section to settle on the slide briefly and drain, as PBS saturating the sample may carry it down the slide and positioned disorderly.

(3)Triton X-100可增强液体对载玻片的附着,使载玻片保持湿润。借助这层液体润滑轻轻拖动脑片(施力过大、拖动过快易造成脑片撕裂或折叠)。

Triton X-100 allows adhesion of solution to the slide surface, thus keeping the surface wet and reducing friction when samples are dragged. Gentle maneuvers are also necessary to prevent brain sections from folding or tearing.


Avoid samples dried out during mounting. (It contributes to high background staining and tissue morphological injuries.) Monitor the drying and keep the sections moist by placing a few drops of PBS beside each of them as necessary.


We recommend serial sections on the same slide placed in the same orientation and not too close to the edge. (Otherwise, the nail polish applied in sealing might overlay the slices and affect imaging results.)

5. 用纸张小心吸干载玻片周围PBS,平放(或垂直)静置至玻片及脑片上方无明显液体。

Before drying, carefully remove residual PBS from edges of the mounted slide using dust-free wipes. Lay your slide horizontally (or hold it upright to allow PBS to run slowly down the slide and accelerate the evaporation process) until there is no liquid visible.



As discussed in step 4, avoid over dried of brain sections.


1. 用移液枪吸取100μl封片剂沿玻片长轴中线均匀滴加在脑片上,避免气泡。

For each slide, pipette 100μl of mounting medium evenly along the midline without introducing any bubbles.



The volume of the mounting medium depends on the diameter of the coverslip. It could be adjusted at will but note that spillage of mounting medium may create a breach in the subsequent sealing.

2. 盖盖玻片。

Mount coverslips onto slides.



Hold a cleaned coverslip against lengthwise edges with thumb and forefinger. To avoid bubbles, gently tip one end onto the mounting medium and allow the liquid to spread uniformly over the samples as you slowly lower the rest the coverslip.


If bubbles are present, slowly and carefully pry the coverslip off the slide from one corner, remove the mounting medium by rinsing the mounted slide with PBS three times and then apply a new coverslip.

Inadequate drying before mounting medium addition might result in sections floating and slipping. If this occurs, transfer sections into PBS and remove the mounting medium by rinsing the slide with PBS (or simply replace it with a new one). Repeat the previous mounting process.

3. 将整个玻片置于4 °C冰箱4~6h,待封片剂凝固。

Keep slides at 4°C for 4~6h and allow the mounting medium to solidify.



Take care not to press or tilt the coverslip to avoid moving or squashing of the sections.

4. 蘸取适量无色透明指甲油,沿盖玻片边缘刷一圈,完全封闭载玻片与盖玻片间缝隙,防止和盖玻片位移

Seal the coverslip by painting the edges with a rim of colorless transparent nail polish. This will avoid coverslip movement and bubble entry, meanwhile, preventing the samples from drying out for long-term preservation.


(1)蘸取指甲油应适量。蘸取过多,指甲油会扩散到盖玻片表面;蘸取过少,容易出现指甲油凝固拉丝且无法完全封闭缝隙。The amount of nail polish should be controlled, as excessive polish overflow onto the coverslip and too little amount might result in stringy and leaky sealing.


Observe if there is a breach and fill it up promptly.

5. 避光条件下凝固指甲油以防止荧光淬灭。

Allow the nail polish to solidify with protecting from the light (which results in fluorescence quenching).
6. 指甲油凝固后即可至显微镜下观察拍照。或将玻片置于玻片板,4 °C避光保存。

When the nail polish is dry, store the slide in a storage tray in the dark at 4 °C or proceed directly to microscopic analyses.





[1] Bienenstock, John & DOLEZEL, JOSEF. (1970). Preservation of immunofluorescence. The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. 18. 518. 10.1177/18.7.518.

[2] Grimwood, R. E., & Proffer, L. H. (2000). Long-term preservation of direct immunofluorescence staining in slides stored at room temperature. Journal of cutaneous pathology, 27(5), 224–227. https://doi.org/10.1034/j.1600-0560.2000.027005224.x
