Product Description
The KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase (HMR) contains all of the buffers and enzymes required for depletion of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) followed by construction of stranded RNA-seq libraries from 100 ng – 1 μg of total RNA via the following steps:
- depletion of rRNA by hybridization of complementary DNA oligonucleotides, followed by treatment with RNase H and DNase to remove rRNA duplexed to DNA and original DNA oligonucleotides, respectively;
- fragmentation using heat and magnesium;
- 1st strand cDNA synthesis using random priming;
- 2nd strand synthesis and marking, which converts the cDNA:RNA hybrid to double-stranded cDNA (dscDNA), and incorporates dUTP into the 2nd cDNA strand;
- A-tailing, to add dAMP to the 3'-ends of the dscDNA library fragments;
- adapter ligation, where dsDNA adapters with 3'-dTMP overhangs are ligated to A-tailed library insert fragments; and
library amplification, to amplify library fragments carrying appropriate adapter sequences at both ends using highfidelity, low-bias PCR. The strand marked with dUTP is not amplified, allowing strand-specific sequencing.
The kit provides all of the enzymes and buffers required for rRNA depletion, cDNA synthesis, and library construction and amplification, but does not include RNA, adapters, or beads. KAPA Pure Beads and KAPA Adapters are sold separately. Reaction buffers are supplied in convenient formats comprising all of the required reaction components. This minimizes the risk of RNase contamination, ensures consistent and homogenous reaction composition, and improves uniformity among replicate samples. Similarly, a single enzyme mixture is provided for each step of the library construction process, reducing the number of pipetting steps.
In order to maximize sequence coverage uniformity and to maintain relative transcript abundance, it is critical that library amplification bias be kept to a minimum. KAPA HiFi DNA Polymerase is designed for low-bias, high-fidelity PCR, and is the polymerase of choice for NGS library amplification1,2,3,4. The KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase (HMR) includes KAPA HiFi HotStart ReadyMix (2X) and Library Amplification Primer Mix (10X) for library amplification.
- Oyola, S.O., et al., BMC Genomics 13, 1 (2012).
- Quail, M.A., et al., Nature Methods 9, 10 – 11 (2012).
- Quail, M.A., et al., BMC Genomics 13, 341 (2012).
- Ross, M.G., et al., Genome Biology 14, R51 (2013).
Product Applications
The KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase (HMR) is designed for both manual and automated NGS library construction from 100 ng – 1 μg of total RNA. The kit depletes both cytoplasmic (5S, 5.8S, 18S, and 28S), and mitochondrial (12S and 16S) rRNA species. The protocol is applicable to a wide range of RNA-seq applications, including:
• gene expression analysis of high- and low-quality RNA samples (e.g., extracted from FFPE tissue)
• single nucleotide variation (SNV) discovery
• splice junction and gene fusion identification
• characterization of non-polyadenylated RNAs, including non-coding and immature RNAs.
Process Workflow
Library Construction Protocol
Reagent Preparation
This protocol takes 10 – 12 hrs to complete.Ideally, master mixes for the various steps in the process should be prepared as required.
For maximum stability and shelf-life, enzymes and reaction buffers are supplied separately in the KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase (HMR). For a streamlined “with-bead” protocol, a reagent master mix with a minimum of 10% excess is prepared for each of these enzymatic steps, as outlined in Tables 2 – 9.
Volumes of additional reagents required for the KAPA Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase (HMR) protocol are listed in Table 10.
In some cases, master mixes may be constituted with varying proportions of the total final water requirement. In the examples given in the tables below, all of the required water is included in each master mix, allowing the entire reaction mix to be added in a single pipetting step.
At the safe stopping point at A-tailing, a portion of the water and reaction buffer are added to the beads for storage at 2°C to 8°C for ≤24 hrs.To resume library construction, prepare the master mix with the remaining volume of waterand reaction buffer, and the required volume of enzyme. Recommendations on how to formulate the master mix after this safe stopping point are provided in Table 7B.
Always ensure that KAPA Pure Beads and PEG/ NaCl Solution are fully equilibrated to room temperature before use.
Table 2. Oligo hybridization![](
Table 3. rRNA depletion![](
Table 4. DNase digestion![](
Table 5. 1st strand synthesis![](
Table 6. 2nd strand synthesis and marking![](
Table 7A. A-tailing (uninterrupted protocol)![](
Table 7B. A-tailing (safe stopping point)![](
Table 8. Adapter ligation![](
Table 9. Library amplification![](
Table 10. Volumes of additional reagents required![](
Oligo Hybridization and rRNA Depletion
This protocol requires 100 ng – 1 μg of total RNA, in 10 μL of RNase-free water.
Ensure that the hybridization master mix (Table 2) and the depletion master mix (Table 3) are prepared and kept at room temperature before use. - rRNA Depletion Cleanup
DNase Digestion
To remove the hybridization oligo-nucleotides from the ribosomal depleted RNA, the sample is incubated with DNase.
Ensure that the DNase digestion master mix (Table 4) is prepared and kept at room temperature. - DNase Digestion Cleanup
RNA Elution, Fragmentation, and Priming
RNA depleted of rRNA is eluted from beads in Fragment, Prime and Elute Buffer (1X) and fragmented to the desired size by incubation at high temperature.
- 1st Strand Synthesis
- 2nd Strand Synthesis and Marking
- 2nd Strand Synthesis and Marking Cleanup
A-tailing is performed either directly after the 2nd Strand Synthesis and Marking Cleanup, or
after the Safe Stopping Point, where beads were resuspended in A-Tailing Buffer (1X) and stored at 2°C to 8°C for ≤24 hrs. Depending on your chosen workflow, proceed with either A-tailing. Immediately (step 10A) or A-tailing after Safe Stopping Point (step 10B).
10A. A-tailing Immediately
10B. A-tailing after Safe Stopping Point
- Adapter Ligation
- 1st Post-ligation Cleanup
- 2nd Post-ligation Cleanup
- Library Amplification
- Library Amplification Cleanup